Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.
Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.
You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift
CHF 10.-0 taken
Du erhältst von uns eine Baumwolltasche mit dem MALOA Logo. So hast du in Zukunft deine Einkaufstasche immer dabei und der Gebrauch von Plastiksäcken gehört der Vergangenheit an.
CHF 20.-32 taken
What's 20 francs? You will receive a toilet roll made of bamboo or recycled paper. We look forward to your feedback!
CHF 50.-24 taken
Du erhältst von uns einen Rasierhobel inkl. Halterung, damit du dich in Zukunft auch plastikfrei rasieren kannst. Für Beine, Bart, Intimzone und Achseln dieser Rasierhobel taugt für alle Partien. Überzeuge dich selbst! Ersatzklingen erhältst du günstig in unserem zukünftigen Onlineshop. Du nimmst Rücksicht auf unsere Umwelt und schonst gleichzeitig dein Haushaltsbudget.
CHF 50.-11 taken
You will receive a handwritten thank you card from us.
CHF 70.-7 taken
Du erhältst einen Rasierhobel inkl. Ersatzklingen, Rasierseife und Rasierpinsel. Glaube uns, dein Gesicht wird fein sein wie Babyhaut. Der plastikfreien Rasur steht so nichts mehr im Wege. Mit dieser Gegenleistung nimmst du Rücksicht auf unsere Umwelt und schonst gleichzeitig dein Haushaltsbudget.
CHF 100.-9 taken
You will receive a wine bottle with the MALOA logo which we will hand over to you personally.
CHF 120.-41 taken
You will receive a package with some small eco-friendly products for your household that we have shortlisted. You are welcome to give us feedback and help us decide which products we will later offer in our online shop.
CHF 140.-15 taken
We invite you to the official MALOA party. We look forward to celebrating the founding of the company with you!
CHF 160.-24 taken
You will receive a package with a lot of eco-friendly products for your household that we have shortlisted. You are welcome to give us feedback and help us decide which products we will later offer in our online shop.
CHF 180.-5 taken
You will receive an eco-friendly plaster starter set from us. Kitchen, bathroom, living room - there is something for every area! Washing powder, dishwasher tabs, glass cleaner and much more. Let us surprise you.
We will deliver your first MALOA monthly package for a 2-person household directly after opening the online shop.
CHF 190.-1 taken
Shop for one year with 20% discount. For those who prefer to choose which products they want to try.
CHF 200.-2 taken
Dein Logo wird auf unserem elektrischen Liefermobil verewigt. Bei den regionalen MALOA Lieferungen sollen alle sehen, dass Du uns unterstützt hast. Zudem wirst du als Unterstützer mit Logo auf unserer Webseite aufgelistet.
We will deliver your first MALOA package for you and your family (2 adults and 2 children) directly after opening the online shop.
CHF 250.-1 / 10 taken
As soon as you have ordered your first monthly subscription in our shop, we will deliver your package by bike. Without Co2 emissions - only with muscle power. We'll be happy if you welcome us with a little refreshment ;).
CHF 350.-3 / 5 taken
We invite you to our home and serve you and a companion a 3-course menu. You will get an exclusive insight into the current project status. We look forward to a cosy evening with you!
CHF 400.-5 taken
As a Gold Member, you are one of our honorary members and you receive a lifelong discount of 10% in our shop as a thank you. We will also keep you up to date with the progress of the company on an annual basis.
CHF 500.-1 taken
You will be listed on our website on the thank you page and mentioned as a crowdfunding supporter. Your name will be forever on our site.
CHF 2’000.-0 / 5 taken
We place your advertisement in our online shop for one year from Go Live. After that you will have the opportunity to extend the partnership at the usual conditions before we offer this to other new partners.