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Unterstützung verschenken

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • CHF 35.-14 vergeben


    You will receive the comic directly in your mailbox when it comes out (shipping costs included).

  • CHF 50.-6 vergeben

    Comics pack

    You will receive the comic and Marée Noire, another speechless comic from the same author, directly in your mailbox when it comes out (shipping costs included).

  • CHF 55.-0 / 3 vergeben

    Comic + Po. «Réveil sang.»

    You will receive the comic and a signed A1 poster «Réveil sanglant».

  • CHF 55.-0 / 3 vergeben

    Comic + Po. «Flagrant délit»

    You will receive the comic and a signed A1 poster «Flagrant délit».

  • CHF 55.-0 / 3 vergeben

    Comic + AR Poster «Colère»

    You will receive the comic and a signed A1 poster «Colère».

  • CHF 55.-1 / 3 vergeben

    Com. + Post. «Coin de rue»

    You will receive the comic and a signed A1 poster «Coin de rue».

  • CHF 55.-3 / 3 vergeben

    Comic + Poster «Cauchemar»

    You will receive the comic and a signed A1 poster «Cauchemar».

  • CHF 55.-3 / 3 vergeben

    Comic + Poster «Aspirtou»

    You will receive the comic and a signed A1 poster «Aspirtou 3000».

  • CHF 60.-5 / 20 vergeben

    Comic + Linocut

    You will receive the comic and one of the 20 prints of the linocut «Promenade nocturne», realized by the author, signed and numbered

  • CHF 70.-3 vergeben

    Comic with drawing + contri.

    You will receive the comic with a personnal drawing when it’s out, directly in your mailbox (shipping costs included).
    Your name will appear inn the list of contributors.

  • CHF 100.-1 / 1 vergeben

    Comic + Papercut «Train»

    You will receive the comic and the original papercut «Train»
    Your name will appear in the list of contributors.

  • CHF 100.-0 / 1 vergeben

    Com. + Pape. «Sous la table»

    You will receive the comic and the original papercut «Sous la table»
    Your name will appear in the list of contributors.

  • CHF 100.-0 / 1 vergeben

    Comic + Papercut «Service»

    You will receive the comic and the original papercut «Forêt»
    Your name will appear in the list of contributors.

  • CHF 100.-0 / 1 vergeben

    Comic + Papercut «Nettoyage»

    You will receive the comic and the original papercut «Nettoyage»
    Your name will appear in the list of contributors.

  • CHF 100.-1 / 1 vergeben

    Comic + Papercut «Forêt»

    You will receive the comic and the original papercut «Forêt»
    Your name will appear in the list of contributors.

  • CHF 300.-1 / 1 vergeben

    Comic + Papercut «Ville»

    You will receive the comic when it’s out, directly in your mailbox (shipping costs included), and the original papercut «Ville».
    Your name will appear in the list of contributors.

  • CHF 300.-0 / 1 vergeben

    Comic + Papercut «Travail»

    You will receive the comic when it’s out, directly in your mailbox (shipping costs included), and the original papercut «Travail».
    Your name will appear in the list of contributors.

  • CHF 300.-0 / 1 vergeben

    Com.+Papercut «M. de l'asp.»

    You will receive the comic when it’s out, directly in your mailbox (shipping costs included), and the original papercut «Mort de l'aspirateur».
    Your name will appear in the list of contributors.

  • CHF 300.-0 / 1 vergeben

    Com.+Papercut «Flagr. délit»

    You will receive the comic when it’s out, directly in your mailbox (shipping costs included), and the original papercut «Flagrant délit».
    Your name will appear in the list of contributors.

  • CHF 300.-1 / 1 vergeben

    Comic + Papercut «Escaliers»

    You will receive the comic when it’s out, directly in your mailbox (shipping costs included), and the original papercut «Escaliers».
    Your name will appear in the list of contributors.

  • CHF 300.-1 / 1 vergeben

    Com.+Papercut «D. les bois»

    You will receive the comic when it’s out, directly in your mailbox (shipping costs included), and the original papercut «Avant l'affiche».
    Your name will appear in the list of contributors.

  • CHF 300.-0 / 1 vergeben

    Com.+Papercut «Coin de rue»

    You will receive the comic when it’s out, directly in your mailbox (shipping costs included), and the original papercut «Coin de rue».
    Your name will appear in the list of contributors.

  • CHF 300.-0 / 1 vergeben

    Comic + Papercut «Chasse»

    You will receive the comic when it’s out, directly in your mailbox (shipping costs included), and the original papercut «Chasse».
    Your name will appear in the list of contributors.

  • CHF 300.-0 / 1 vergeben

    Comic + Papercut «Cauchemar»

    You will receive the comic when it’s out, directly in your mailbox (shipping costs included), and the original papercut «Cauchemar».
    Your name will appear in the list of contributors.

  • CHF 300.-1 / 1 vergeben

    Comic + Papercut «Canapé»

    You will receive the comic when it’s out, directly in your mailbox (shipping costs included), and the original papercut «Canapé».
    Your name will appear in the list of contributors.

  • CHF 300.-0 / 1 vergeben

    Com.+Papercut «Cab. du cha.»

    You will receive the comic when it’s out, directly in your mailbox (shipping costs included), and the original papercut «Cabane du chasseur».
    Your name will appear in the list of contributors.

  • CHF 300.-1 / 1 vergeben

    Comic + Papercut «Aspirom.»

    You will receive the comic when it’s out, directly in your mailbox (shipping costs included), and the original papercut «Aspiromanie».
    Your name will appear in the list of contributors.

  • CHF 300.-0 / 1 vergeben

    Comic + Papercut «Av. l'aff»

    You will receive the comic when it’s out, directly in your mailbox (shipping costs included), and the original papercut «Avant l'affiche».
    Your name will appear in the list of contributors.

  • CHF 450.-0 / 8 vergeben

    Papercut class+com.+papercut

    To thank you for your support, the author invites you for a papercutting class of half a day in Fribourg, material included.
    Of course, you will receive a signed comic and will choose an original papercut of your choice between the ones leftover.
    Your name will appear in the list of contributors