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Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.
Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n
CHF 25.-9 / 300 vergeben
You will recive one copy of our vinyl EP signed
CHF 100.-3 vergeben
You will recive one copy of our vinyl EP + a CD with special version
CHF 200.-0 vergeben
You will recive one copy of our vinyl EP signed + a CD with special version and the possibility to recieve at home, an online live selection of Reaggae/music by Jackayouth straight from Zion cave records
CHF 500.-0 vergeben
You will recive one copy of our vinyl EP signed + a CD with special version and you can choose a Ukulele made by Matteo D'Amico aka Mattbrass, violinmakerwww.matteodamico.com ora recording session in the Zion cave in according with Jackayouth
CHF 1’500.-0 vergeben
You will recive one copy of our vinyl EP signed + a CD with special version and another string instrument acording to Matteo D'Amico