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Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.

Give away a project backing as a gift

You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • CHF 20.-0 taken


    We will list you among the platform’s contributors in our communications.

    CHF 20.-

  • CHF 35.-0 / 30 taken

    Signed Book

    You will receive the book «Risques Psychosociaux: kit de secours» co-written by Jeanne Gaffié Habashi (occupational psychologist) and Dorothee Berg (ICF coach) with a personal dedication, available in the French or German version according to your preference.

    CHF 35.-

  • CHF 90.-0 taken

    Membership 2025

    With your donation, you bring us closer to our goal and join the association on an individual basis for 1 year!

    CHF 90.-

  • CHF 115.-0 taken

    Membership 2025 & Book

    You join the association as an individual member and will receive the book «Risques Psychosociaux: kit de secours» co-written by Jeanne Gaffié Habashi (occupational psychologist) and Dorothee Berg (ICF coach) with a personal dedication, available in the French or German version according to your preference.

    CHF 115.-

  • CHF 1’000.-0 taken

    Benefactor Member

    You join the association and will be featured on our website and in our communications among our benefactor members, unless you wish to remain anonymous. You will also receive the book «Risques Psychosociaux: kit de secours» co-written by Jeanne Gaffié Habashi (occupational psychologist) and Dorothee Berg (ICF coach) with a personal dedication, available in the French or German version according to your preference.

    CHF 1’000.-