Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.
Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.
You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift
CHF 25.-16 taken
3 original and funny postcards of the Poisson volant, access to the first podcast of the series Les Voyages immobiles.
CHF 50.-19 taken
A copy of the first Leporello of the collection, numbered and signed by Le Poisson volant.
CHF 75.-8 taken
The subscription to the complete series of podcasts of the Les Voyages immobiles collection.
CHF 100.-24 taken
A copy of the first three Leporello of the collection numbered and signed by Le Poisson volant.
CHF 120.-1 / 20 taken
A copy of the first three Leporello of the collection numbered and signed by the Poisson volant, with an autographed copy of the novel «Le pas de l'éléphant»
Personal access to all the podcasts made so far by the Poisson volant, the Voyages immobiles AND the déjantérotiques, to listen to in the shower or on the moon.
CHF 250.-34 taken
The subscription to the complete series of Leporello of the collection Les Voyages immobiles, numbered and signed by Le Poisson volant, and my name on the list of honour of the donors.
CHF 300.-1 taken
Pour les bibliothèques et médiathèques, un abonnement à la série complète des Leporello accompagné de 15 jours de présence de l’ « arbre sonore », un système de casques audio permettant d’écouter les podcasts.
CHF 350.-3 / 10 taken
The subscription to the complete series of Leporello of the collection Les Voyages immobiles and a VIP invitation to the launch.
CHF 450.-2 / 10 taken
A special print of one of Silvain Monney's illustrations with the subscription to the complete series of Les Voyages immobiles and a VIP invitation to the launch.
CHF 550.-2 taken
A private reading at home with the subscription to the complete series of Leporello from the collection Les Voyages immobiles.
CHF 800.-0 / 20 taken
The NFT version of one of Silvain Monney's drawings, in large digital format, accompanied by the corresponding Leporello, signed and numbered from 2/21 to 21/21.
CHF 2’500.-0 / 1 taken
The original of one of Silvain Monney's drawings, the NFT version in large digital format, accompanied by the corresponding Leporello, signed and numbered 1/21.