Sélectionnez une contrepartie

Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.

Soutenir sans contrepartie

Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.

Faire cadeau de ma contribution

Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau

  • EUR 10.-5 prises

    A thousand thanks!

    Besides our neverending gratitude and lots of good karma you'll receive a link to watch the music video online

  • EUR 20.-2 prises

    You've got mail

    We will send you a postcard with a picture of our set and greetings from the crew.
    On top you get a link to the music video «S H I N I N G».

  • EUR 50.-4 prises

    Poster & download

    We will send you a film poster of «S H I N I N G» with personal greetings from our crew.
    Additionally you get a exclusive download-link for the song, as well as a link to the musicvideo «S H I N I N G».

  • EUR 100.-0 prise

    Get your name up here

    You will receive a fancy DVD of the musicvideo «S H I N I N G» (incl. the making-of and bonus material) with personal dedication.
    But wait, there's more!
    Additionally you will be named in the credits of the video as one of our wonderful sponsors.

  • EUR 150.-0 prise

    crunch crunch

    You like a fancy breakfast? We’ll send you some of Sabrina’s & Hai-Yen's selfmade Crunchy-Granola which comes in a stylish mason jar. You can chose from honey-cinnamon, cacao-coconut oder vanilla-almond. Additionally you will receive DVD of the musicvideo «S H I N I N G» incl. the making-of and bonus material and you will be named in the credits of the video.

  • EUR 200.-2 prises

    Vintner's surprise

    We will send you one of our delicious wines from the «City of Wine» Offenburg in the beautiful Black Forest with a personal message from the crew. You also get the DVD of the music video (incl the makingOf and bonus material). You also will be named in the credits.

  • EUR 500.-1 prise

    Be our main sponsor

    WOW! You have the chance of being one of our main sponsors! Main sponsors get a special placement of their name and -if requested- their personal Logo.
    Besides the DVD of the musicvideo you get a special surprise package from the beautiful Black Forest with a personal message.