Wähle eine Belohnung aus

Wähle aus, ob du das Projekt mit oder ohne Belohnung unterstützen möchtest.

Ohne Belohnung unterstützen

Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.

Unterstützung verschenken

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • CHF 20.-6 vergeben

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    You’ll get a download code and our eternal gratitude!

  • CHF 50.-30 vergeben

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    You’ll get a signed copy of the album plus a download code and our eternal gratitude!

  • CHF 80.-12 / 40 vergeben

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    You’ll be invited to the album release party (date and venue to be announced) where you will receive a signed copy of the record (and a download code), plus a huge HUG from all of the members of Forks.

  • CHF 130.-16 / 40 vergeben

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    You’ll be invited to the album release party (date and venue to be announced), you will receive a signed copy of the record, along with a sweet note (and a download code), plus one photo signed by the band, limited to 60 copies (20 x 30 cm), taken by Mehdi Benkler.

  • CHF 220.-0 / 3 vergeben

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    You will receive a personal invitation for a private evening in company of Forks in Vevey (good food, good wine, etc.). There, the band will personally make a special dedication for you on your signed copy of the record (that goes with a download code), plus one photo signed by the band, limited to 60 copies (20 x 30 cm), taken by Mehdi Benkler. (You’ll even have the right to bring one accompanying person for the evening).

  • CHF 500.-1 / 3 vergeben

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    We invite you (you and 5 of your friends!) to our rehearsal space in Vevey for a private concert. Free beers! There, the band will personally make a special dedication for you on your signed copy of the record (that goes along with a download code), plus one signed photo of the band, limited to 3 copies (30 x 40 cm), taken by Mehdi Benkler.

  • CHF 1’600.-0 vergeben

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    We’ll come and play at your place or at your rock venue. We’ll bring you three dedicated copies of the record (and a download code), plus one signed photo of the band, a unique copy (30 x 40 cm), taken by Mehdi Benkler.