Sélectionnez une contrepartie

Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.

Soutenir sans contrepartieä

Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.

Faire cadeau de ma contributionä

Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau

  • CHF 10.-4 prises

    Thank you.!ä

    Already with CHF 10.00 you help us to achieve our goal a bit faster.

  • CHF 50.-3 prises

    You are great.!ä

    You will get a thank you mail from the ElevateAfrica family + you will be subscribed to their newsletter.

  • CHF 100.-5 prises

    Picture time.!ä

    You will get a thank you card written by one of the girls and a picture of the girls' new home + you will be subscribed to their newsletter.

  • CHF 200.-1 prise

    You will get letter post.!ä

    You will get a photo of the girls’ new home, a thank you card written by one of the girls and a little present also made by one of the girls + you will be subscribed to ElevateAfrica’s newsletter.

  • CHF 500.-1 prise

    Surprise, surprise.!ä

    You will get a personal thank you video of the girls (sent via email), a card and a present written and made by one of the girls + you will be subscribed to ElevateAfrica's Newsletter.