Choose your reward

Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.

Back without reward

Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.

Give away a project backing as a gift

You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • CHF 20.-39 taken

    Movie Download Link

    Our eternal gratitude + a link to watch/download a full HD copy of the film.

  • CHF 50.-45 taken

    Movie Link / Mention

    Your name in the «Special Thanks» end credits, in addition to a link to watch/download a full HD copy of the film.

  • CHF 100.-19 taken

    Movie Link / T-shirt

    A limited edition AlternaSuisse t-shirt (woooo!), in addition to the video link and your name in the «Special Thanks» end credits.

  • CHF 150.-1 taken

    Movie Link / Large Poster

    A large format hard copy of the film poster, in addition to the aforementioned video link, «Special Thanks» credit, and t-shirt.

  • CHF 200.-5 taken

    Avant Premiere

    1 invitation to any «Avant Premiere» screening of the film (exact locations/dates in Switzerland and the USA TBD), in addition to the aforementioned awards.

  • CHF 250.-1 taken

    Avant Premiere x2

    2 invitations (bring a friend, yay!) to any «Avant Premiere» screening of the film (exact locations/dates in Switzerland and the USA TBD), in addition to the aforementioned awards.

  • CHF 500.-2 / 10 taken

    Avant Premiere x2 / CD

    4 invitations (bring all the friends!) to any «Avant Premiere» screening of the film (exact locations/dates in Switzerland and the USA TBD) + a 100% handmade, ULTRA LIMITED EDITION hard copy of a Zi Jin Cheng CD, featuring music from the film written/composed by a variety of Swiss musicians and recorded/produced by our home-base alternative space, lamapd-r in Neuchâtel (, in addition to the video link, t-shirt, large format poster and your name in the «Special Thanks» end credits.

  • CHF 1’000.-0 / 4 taken

    Sponsorship / Meet the Team

    2 invitations to any «Avant Premiere» screening (exact locations/dates in Switzerland and the USA TBD) + a meal and drinks for you and your guest with the Directors at/near one of our «Avant Premiere» locations before the screening + your name in the «Sponsors» section of the end credits (in addition to the video link, t-shirt, and large format poster).

  • CHF 2’000.-0 / 4 taken

    Meet the Team / After Party

    2 VIP invitations to film screening after party (exact locations/dates in Switzerland and the USA TBD) + your name in the opening credits with the mention «Made possible with generous support from», in addition to the aforementioned «Avant Premiere» invites (x2) and a meal and drinks for you and your guest with the Directors (in addition to the video link, t-shirt, and large format poster).

  • CHF 5’000.-0 / 2 taken

    Private Screening / Workshop

    Your own private «Avant Premiere» screening of the film for you and your friends, with at least 1 Director in attendance (USA or Europe only, in 2019, exact timing TBD in collaboration with Directors)
    an in-depth, three-day «Documentary Basics: Equipment and Techniques» workshop for you and up to three friends with Kevin (Europe only)
    in addition to the aforementioned awards (2 «Avant Premiere» invites, a meal and drinks with the Directors, after party invites, opening credit mention, t-shirt, poster, and video link).