Sélectionnez une contrepartie

Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.

Soutenir sans contrepartieä

Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.

Faire cadeau de ma contributionä

Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau

  • CHF 25.-22 prises


    You will receive an enamel HERBALISTA CHATZEGIFT metal cup delivered to your home, complete with a convenient heart-shaped carabiner. This cup will faithfully accompany you on future adventures! Whether for camping, festivals, or as your new favorite on-the-go coffee mug, it's versatile and durable.

    Together, we are making a statement: MORE LOVE - LESS PLASTIC!

    Please note that delivery is only available within Switzerland.

  • CHF 39.-63 prises

    TRY MEä

    You will receive an exclusive 200ml bottle of the first edition of POiZEN delivered directly to your home for tasting. Along with it, you will receive a love letter containing information and serving suggestions for the ultimate POiZEN experience!

    Let there be magic..!!

    Please note that delivery is only available within Switzerland.

    If you don’t reside in Switzerland, reach out to me privately. We’ll surely find a way to get a bottle of POiZEN to you! Where there’s a will, there’s a way. ;)

  • CHF 77.-62 prises


    For your exclusive support, you will receive a 500ml bottle of POiZEN delivered to your home, accompanied by a postcard filled with lines of love and gratitude, as well as some tips and serving suggestions for the ultimate enjoyment of your UNIQUE HERBAL UPLIFT!

    Unleash the magic!!

    Please note that delivery is only available within Switzerland.

    If you don’t reside in Switzerland, reach out to me privately. We’ll surely find a way to get a bottle of POiZEN to you! Where there’s a will, there’s a way!

  • CHF 120.-0 prise


    With this reward, you will be introduced to the mystical world of incense in my herbal workshop. Together, we will celebrate a magical incense ritual. I will share a wealth of herbal witchcraft knowledge with you, and you will get to know exotic incense materials and their local counterparts. To top it off, we will toast to life with POiZEN (non-alcoholic option available), and you will create your own incense blend to take home, inspired and equipped with the necessary know-how.

    Multiple dates will be available for you to cPhoose from after the WE MAKE IT campaign concludes.

  • CHF 168.-4 prises


    Join us at the incomparable and unique POiZEN Launch Party.

    Step into the magical world of POiZEN and experience a dazzling celebration for all the senses. You will receive a welcome drink at the bar, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the festivities.

    I can reveal this much: it will be as vibrant, artistic, wild, sensual, playful, and inspiring as POiZEN itself!

    Join us for a blend of ecstatic dance, vernissage, curiosity market, and the most sparkling birthday party of the year!

    As a farewell gift, you will receive a 200ml bottle of POiZEN to relive the evening with a glass at home.

    This unforgettable party will take place in the autumn/winter of 2023! After the successful completion of the campaign, you will receive a personal invitation with all the important information about the event.

  • CHF 250.-1 prise


    In this workshop, you will have the opportunity to dive deeper into the world of wild herbs with me. You will learn a wealth of information about their effects, how to process them, and together we will create our own herbal elixir, which you can take home after the workshop. We will also gather some wild herbs that we will then use to prepare a delicious lunch together.

    The workshop will take place in spring 2024. This is when we have the greatest, juiciest variety of wild herbs to choose from.

  • CHF 370.-7 prises


    Since you can't wait to share POiZEN with all your friends and loved ones, you will receive a crate containing 6 bottles of POiZEN delivered directly to your home. Along with it, you will receive a personal thank-you letter filled with exciting information and serving suggestions, so you can impress your guests from the start with this unique drink.


    Please note that delivery is only available within Switzerland.

  • CHF 666.-2 / 12 prises


    I will cook for you and 3 friends (4 persons) with an exclusive psychoactive 5-course herbal menu at my witch’s kitchen. It will be a dinner party where you don’t have to worry about anything and can enjoy a truly unforgettable dining experience with your loved ones. Adaptogenic drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, are included, adding to the sensory journey.

  • CHF 777.-0 prise


    Book me for YOUR event/cocktail party/ fiesta with a 5-liter barrel of POiZEN. With great enthusiasm, I will delight you and your guests on-site with spectacular adaptogenic cocktails, edible flowers, wild herb specialties, and a sparkling touch of magic.

    Let's raise a toast to the wild and vibrant life in all its glory!

  • CHF 1’000.-1 / 1 prise


    You will be bestowed with the very first bottle of POiZEN from its inaugural edition, accompanied by a personally crafted certificate, presented to you by none other than myself. During my visit, I will also bring along a specially curated set of four exquisite glasses, a selection of mixers, and recipe suggestions, all designed to immerse you in the captivating world of POiZEN. Naturally, I will also bring an additional bottle of POiZEN for us to raise a toast and savor, allowing you to preserve your exclusive collector's item unblemished in your personal «Hall of Fame.»