Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.
Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.
You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift
CHF 25.-2 taken
CHF 25 – Support the PROVENCE Weekly Newsletter📧 Enjoy reading our free weekly newsletter? Support its continued existence by donating CHF 25.-—no further rewards, just our deep gratitude and a sustainable future for independent art publishing.
CHF 25.-
CHF 50.-1 taken
CHF 50 – Merch!👕 A PROVENCE classic: An exclusive reprint of the PROVENCE Backstage T-shirt for our backers. Silkscreen-print on 100% white cotton T-Shirt. XS, S, M, L, XL.Front: blankBack: «PROVENCE Backstage»
CHF 50.-
CHF 80.-0 taken
CHF 80 – The Unconscious publication (most popular!)📚 One signed copy of PROVENCE Unconscious + your name in the acknowledgments section of the publication.
CHF 80.-
CHF 180.-0 / 20 taken
CHF 180 – Collector’s Pack (Limited to 20 backers)📚🧢 Signed copies of PROVENCE Unconscious + a PROVENCE Press Cap (includes a digital press card granting free (no guarantee) access to museums and biennials worldwide) + your name in the acknowledgments section of the publication.
CHF 180.-
CHF 290.-0 / 50 taken
CHF 290 – Patron Membership (Limited to 50 backers)📚🖼️ A signed copy of PROVENCE Unconscious + a limited numbered and signed edition A4+-sized artist print. + your name in the acknowledgments section of the publication.
CHF 290.-
CHF 1’000.-0 / 5 taken
CHF 1,000 – PROVENCE Super Patron (Limited to 5 backers)💎 Signed copies of PROVENCE Unconscious + a full-page advertisement in the Unconscious issue + your name in the acknowledgments section of the publication.
CHF 1’000.-
CHF 4’500.-0 / 1 taken
CHF 5000 – Private Salon with PROVENCE (Limited to 1 backer)🎤 A private salon event at your home or a location of choice featuring PROVENCE artists & editors. Includes a special live reading and discussion, and signed publications. + your name in the acknowledgments section of the publication. Travel & hosting arrangements to be discussed separately.
CHF 4’500.-