Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.
Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.
You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift
CHF 10.-12 taken
Thank you!Pass by the radio and we’ll offer you a fresh beer!
CHF 20.-25 taken
Thank you!Pass by the radio and we’ll offer you two fresh beers and also a snack to sober up.
CHF 50.-82 taken
Thank you!You’re amazing.You get a Radio Gwendalyn T-Shirt!
CHF 100.-85 taken
Thank you!You get a Radio Gwendalyn T-Shirt plus the fantastic Gwen Cup, and a three-day-pass for the VII edition of Gwenstival (3-9 October 2016).
CHF 150.-13 taken
Thank you heaps!You get a Radio Gwendalyn T-Shirt and the fantastic Gwen Cup.You are invited to participate to our one-day workshop: «Introduction to Radiophony» in September 2016.If you wish, we would love to receive your Top5: we will publish it on our website and we will broadcast some of your songs on our music news program.
CHF 250.-2 taken
New! One of our DJs will come to your party, at home or wherever you want, and will perform a DJ set for you!
CHF 300.-0 taken
News! You can promote your professional activity: we will create a special radio spot for you which will air on Radio Gwendalyn in DAB+ for a week
CHF 300.-10 taken
Thank you, we are honoured!You become automatically a member of Radio Gwendalyn association!You get a Gwen bag with a Gwen T-Shirt and a three-day-pass for the VII edition of Gwenstival (3-9 October 2016).You also get a gift card for 30 CHF to spend at Tondo Music in Maroggia.
CHF 350.-0 taken
New! Mr. Henry will play his lovely guitar in your livingroom or at your party!
CHF 500.-1 taken
Chapeau!You become honorary member of Radio Gwendalyn association!We will say your name 500 times in radio (if you like).You receive a portable Sony DAB+ home radio!
CHF 800.-0 taken
We are starting to not know what to say…This is serious stuff! You are immediately Honorary member of Radio Gwendalyn. You receive a portable Sony DAB+ home radio!You also have the right to promote your (or a friend’s) activity: we will create a special radio spot for you which will air on Radio Gwendalyn for a month.
CHF 1’000.-6 taken
JACKPOT! Thank you 1000 times!You are immediately Platinum member of Radio Gwendalyn association and you receive a Pioneer DAB+ car radio!You also have the right to promote your (or a friend’s) activity: we will create a special radio spot for you which will air on Radio Gwendalyn in DAB+ for two months.
CHF 5’000.-0 taken
Ok, we have no words to express our gratidude. You are immediately Ambassador member of Radio Gwendalyn association and you receive a Pioneer DAB+ car radio!You also have the right to promote your (or a friend’s) activity: we will create a special radio spot for you which will air on Radio Gwendalyn for three months.If you are out of cigarettes, you can call us anytime, any day for ever in eternity.