Wähle eine Belohnung aus

Wähle aus, ob du das Projekt mit oder ohne Belohnung unterstützen möchtest.

Ohne Belohnung unterstützenä

Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.

Unterstützung verschenkenä

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • EUR 10.-1 vergeben

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    You will receive 1 personalized «Thank you!» digital postcard from Rio de Janeiro by e-mail.

  • EUR 20.-4 vergeben

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    You will receive 1 personalized «Thank you!» printed postcard from Rio de Janeiro by postal mail.

  • EUR 50.-2 vergeben

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    You will receive all of the above and will become a member of the project community, with open access to the backstage so you can follow and comment daily updates and every activity.

  • EUR 100.-4 vergeben

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    You will receive the digital copy of the final catalogue and you will become member of the project community.

  • EUR 250.-2 vergeben

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    All of the above and 1 commissioned drawing by a Brazilian artist included in the research.

  • EUR 500.-0 vergeben

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    Congratulations, you are a main supporter! You will receive the special mention in the «section of main supporters» on every published material of the project, 2 copies of the printed catalogue, and the digital one. You will receive a commissioned drawing by a Brazilian artist included in the research and the exclusive opportunity to follow the live of the public talk via web streaming.