Choose your reward

Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.

Back without reward

Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.

Give away a project backing as a gift

You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • CHF 10.-0 taken


    Wir haben eine aufregende neue Belohnung für die letzten Tage unseres Crowdfundings! Unterstützt uns und euer Name wird in einem speziellen Video eingeblendet. Seid Teil unseres Projekts und erhaltet ein einzigartiges Erinnerungsstück. Beeilt euch, das Angebot gilt nur für kurze Zeit. Danke für eure Unterstützung! Zusammen schaffen wir Grossartiges!

  • CHF 20.-0 taken

    Für YouTuber

    Du bist YouTuber und möchtest deinen Kanal pushen? Dann ist diese Belohnung genau das Richtige für dich. Erhalte einen Platz bei unseren Empfehlungen für mindestens ein Jahr. Und wenn uns dein Content besonders gut gefällt, besteht sogar die Möglichkeit einer langfristigen Empfehlung. Nutze diese Chance, um deine Reichweite zu erhöhen und neue Abonnenten zu gewinnen. Sei Teil unseres Netzwerks und profitiere von unserer Unterstützung. Greife jetzt zu und sichere dir diese exklusive Belohnung für deinen YouTube-Kanal!

  • CHF 25.-0 taken

    Personalized Thank You Card

    Your contribution matters! As a token of our appreciation for your support in the crowdfunding campaign, you will receive a personal thank-you letter. We are deeply grateful for your help and want to show our appreciation in this way. Let's achieve great things together

  • CHF 50.-2 taken

    BRiXX GORiLLAZ mug

    Get the stylish BRiXX GORiLLAZ mug now and be enchanted by our personal thank-you letter. With our logo on the mug, you'll become the ultimate building block hero in your everyday life. Treat yourself to this chic accessory! A true must-have for builders with style!
    Delivery time approximately 7 working days.

  • CHF 50.-2 taken

    Klemmbaustein Mystery Box S

    Don't wait any longer and secure your Klemmbaustein Mystery Box S worth 50 Swiss francs! Be part of our crowdfunding community and experience the joy of building with the best building blocks. Your contribution not only supports our project but also rewards you with an exciting box full of surprises and possibilities.
    As part of the reward, you will receive a personal thank-you letter from us. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and show you how much we appreciate your support.

  • CHF 100.-7 taken

    Klemmbaustein Mystery Box M

    The Klemmbaustein Mystery Box M is an exclusive reward for our dedicated supporters. You will be rewarded not only with high-quality building blocks but also with the knowledge that you are part of a community of like-minded individuals who share the passion for building. Every franc you invest in our crowdfunding project brings us one step closer to our goal and allows us to create something great together.
    As part of the reward, you will receive a personal thank-you letter from us. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and show you how much we appreciate your support.

  • CHF 100.-0 taken

    Supporter T-Shirt

    Secure the exclusive Supporter T-shirt with our logo now! As a thank you, you will also receive a personal letter from us. Show your support for Brixx Gorillaz and proudly wear our unique design. Be part of our community and help us save our store. Get your custom T-shirt now and be part of our success story!
    As part of the reward, you will receive a personal thank-you letter from us. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and show you how much we appreciate your support.

  • CHF 200.-1 taken

    Klemmbaustein Mystery Box L

    What are you waiting for? Dive into the exciting world of surprises and secure your Klemmbaustein Mystery Box L as a crowdfunding reward now. Let yourself be enchanted by the magic of the unknown and experience the joy of building with high-quality building blocks that will unleash your creativity.
    As part of the reward, you will receive a personal thank-you letter from us. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and show you how much we appreciate your support.

  • CHF 250.-0 taken


    Want to be in the spotlight? Then grab your spot on our brand-new «Spotlights» page on! There, you can shine with your photo, logo, or link and be mentioned by name in our thank-you video. But that’s not all! We’ll also create a special video just for you and share it on all our social media channels. So, what are you waiting for? Get your VIP status at Brixx Gorillaz!
    As part of the reward, you will receive a personal thank-you letter from us. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and show you how much we appreciate your support.

  • CHF 300.-5 taken

    Klemmbaustein Mystery Box XL

    Are you ready to take on the greatest building challenge of your life? Then we have something truly special for you! Support our crowdfunding project and secure the legendary Klemmbaustein Mystery Box XL - a surprise building block set that will impress you with its size and variety.
    As part of the reward, you will receive a personal thank-you letter from us. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and show you how much we appreciate your support.

  • CHF 500.-1 taken

    Wall of Fame

    Do you want to become a legend too? Grab your spot now on our exclusive ’Wall of Fame’ right next to our entrance door! Whether you’re a company or an individual, here’s your chance to be immortalized for an entire year. Be the star of the store and leave all visitors in awe. Act fast and don't miss out on this unique opportunity!
    As part of the reward, you will receive a personal thank-you letter from us. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and show you how much we appreciate your support.

  • CHF 3’650.-0 taken


    Be the star on our homepage! With the exclusive offer Link-Hero, you have the opportunity to present your company or profile with us for a whole 365 days. Whether you simply want to showcase your passion, with us you get the stage you deserve! Join us as our visitors click on your link and discover the limitless possibilities that await them. Secure your spot on our homepage now and become the highly sought-after Link-Hero! It goes without saying, right? But don't worry, we are confident that your company or profile are completely safe and will make a great impression on our homepage. So secure your 365-day spotlight now and show the world who you are!
    The website that acquires the «Link Hero» reward should be free from violence, religion, sexuality, politics, and similar content. We aim to create a safe and pleasant environment where our visitors can have positive experiences. By excluding certain topics, we ensure that the website aligns with the standards and values of «Link Hero». If you have any further questions or need additional information, I am available to assist. Thank you very much for your understanding and support!
    As part of the reward, you will receive a personal thank-you letter from us. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and show you how much we appreciate your support.