Scegli se desideri sostenere il progetto con o senza ricompensa.
Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.
Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo
CHF 40.-0 / 20 prese
you get a ticket to the premiere in Stans, plus a still from the film.
CHF 50.-12 prese
You will receive two tickets to the film premiere in Aarau. If you are unable to attend, we will send you a link to download the film.
CHF 100.-12 prese
CHF 150.-9 prese
1 ticket to the film premiere, 1 bottle of Malanser with the portrait of Heinrich Zschokke .
CHF 200.-13 prese
1 original Schokke with Z - script with 4 still photos. Additionally,a bottle Malanser with the portrait Heinrich Zschokkes on the label. Of course, you are invited to the premiere of the film.
CHF 250.-4 prese
1 original script with the signatures of the two filmmakers Matthias and Adrian Zschokke and the signed Zschokke biography of Werner Ort.
CHF 300.-4 prese
You will receive 2 tickets for the Zschokketag and the film premiere. A brochure with the texts of Zschokke’s songs and a USB stick with the musical premieres performed by the singer Yvonne Naef and the women’s choir VocaLADIES.
CHF 350.-6 prese
You will be allowed to take part in the shooting of the escape on the Rhine and help, if necessary, as an extra. You will receive a bottle of Malanser with the portrait of Heinrich on it and two tickets to the premiere.
CHF 500.-7 prese
«Schokke mit Z» features a set photographer. She will provide delightful insights into the film work. 10 pictures will be bundled to a package. On Zschokketag you can also be present, when the first film flap falls.
CHF 1’000.-4 prese
Excursion into the Zschokke world. In Reichenau he was a teacher, in Malans he got the honorary citizenship. One overnight stay for two persons with the appropriate reading: «The pupil republic in the castle Reichenau». In addition, a bottle of Malanser with Zschokke’s portrait on it.
CHF 2’000.-1 presa
You will be mentioned by name in the credits. You will be picked up at the premiere with our «production limousine». And you will receive a screenplay of «Schokke mit Z» and a Zschokke biography.
CHF 3’000.-1 presa
All the rewards listed above. I will publicly get down on my knees to thank you.