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Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.

Faire cadeau de ma contribution

Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau

  • EUR 10.-3 prises


    Send it: You receive a set of five postcards featuring photographs from our Selected guidebook.

  • EUR 20.-4 prises


    Wear it: Save a high-quality cotton gym sack for yourself, so you are fully equipped for your next city trip.

  • EUR 25.-2 / 2 prises


    Harvest-fresh: We got offered two vouchers à 25 euros by Harvest, which we are happily offering to you. Our recommendation: The vegan brunch on weekends.

  • EUR 25.-10 / 10 prises


    Early bird special: Be one of the first ten people to buy a selected Vienna guidebook and get your copy cheaper!

  • EUR 29.-4 prises


    First row: You are not only one of those making selected Vienna possible, but also one of the first people to hold a copy of our high-quality print guidebook in their hands. Woohoo!

  • EUR 35.-5 / 50 prises


    Best regards: You get one of our print guidebooks, fresh from the press, and Barbara, Sophie and Nina sign it with a personal inscription. The selected Vienna special edition, so to say.

  • EUR 40.-1 / 1 prise


    For the sweet tooth: Get a whole delicious and allergy friendly homemade cake from Allergiker Café. Choose your favourite on their website or drop by first to taste their great selection before choosing yours.

  • EUR 40.-0 / 1 prise


    Right in the middle: Enjoy a meal for two at mittendrin (German for right in the middle), a café/restaurant with great food and Scandinavian style interior, which is part of an innovative social project: the restaurant’s profits go entirely to an organisation supporting homeless people.

  • EUR 45.-3 prises


    Cheers!: We invite you to celebrate with us, when we successfully end the crowdfunding campaign for selected Vienna. There’ll be Prosecco and great food at one of our favourite places in Vienna.

  • EUR 55.-1 prise


    The best things come in threes: For that reason, you receive your copy of the brand-new selected Vienna guidebook together with a hip gym sack and a pretty set of postcards.

  • EUR 60.-1 / 1 prise


    Brilli-brilliant!: Enjoy a dinner for two and a bottle of wine at the Hotel am Brillantengrund, one of our favourite places in Vienna. Brillantengrund welcomes you with one of Vienna’s prettiest courtyards, so we recommend going there in spring/summer.

  • EUR 80.-1 / 1 prise


    Learn to cook: The wonderful deli bluem, which is also featured in the selected Vienna guidebook, sponsors a cooking class worth € 89,-, where you will learn to prepare fresh, local and seasonal plant-based slow food.

  • EUR 100.-0 / 5 prise


    Made for you: Let us know what you like to do, and we will send you a personal 48-hour guide for your next trip to Vienna. This way, you know exactly where to go for a delicious breakfast or brunch, to shop a new look, find inspiration at museums or galleries and dance into the Viennese night.

  • EUR 150.-1 / 10 prise


    Put it on the wall: Get an exclusive, high-quality photo print by Sophie Kirchner in the size of 75x100cm. Feel free to choose your favourite motif and we will print it for you.

  • EUR 250.-0 / 3 prise


    Visit us in Vienna: Spend a whole day together with Barbara and Sophie in the beautiful city of Vienna. We will show you our favourite places and secret spots far from tourist attractions and invite you to do whatever you’re up to. We are looking forward to it already!