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  • EUR 40.-0 taken


    Ask me a question and I will make an official video with the answer on my YouTube channel

  • EUR 47.-0 taken


    EBook: «The Way to Freedom», and an invitation to our closed facebook group

  • EUR 70.-1 taken


    Handreading via Skype

    I’m telling you what your hands are telling me – who you are and where your strengths are.

  • EUR 160.-1 taken


    You get a personal, intuitively written message from your guides.

  • EUR 200.-0 taken


    Personal coaching with me via Skype or WhatsApp call

  • EUR 540.-0 taken


    * The Shero OnlineCourse* – FEATHER-VERSION What you get: *27 video lessons with practical homefun *work whenever you want, however you want without a deadline or time-pressure *Repeat the lessons as many times as you want *Share your insights in our closed facebook group and connect to other Sheroes *Book a 1:1 coaching, whenever you feel the need of deepening a topic *Get a course that covers a holistic self-growth

  • EUR 570.-0 taken


    * The Shero OnlineCourse* – WING-VERSION What you get: *27 video lessons and practical homefun *work whenever you want, however you want without a deadline or time-pressure *Repeat the lessons as many times as you want *Share your insights in our closed facebook group and connect to other Sheroes *Book a 1:1 coaching, whenever you feel the need of deepening a topic *Get a course, that covers a holistic self-growth *SoulFreedomGuide (ebook)

  • EUR 2.000.-0 taken


    Be part of my very first English speaking group of «SHEROES- Women of Freedom» the 6-week online transformation program and change your life forever. Lifelong access to the Shero OnlineCourse inclusive. Expect some miracles!

  • EUR 3.500.-0 taken


    Personal Shero Coaching/Mentoring Program