Sélectionnez une contrepartie

Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.

Soutenir sans contrepartie

Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.

Faire cadeau de ma contribution

Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau

  • EUR 10.-10 prises

    hey darling, stick with me

    Everybody loves stickers. That’s why you’ll get two stickers from my limited «GameOver» merch line.
    Stick with me and we can make it.

  • EUR 25.-13 prises

    Wanna party?

    Not only is life a party, but my first Single Release will be one as well. So get your party outfit ready, because you'll get a personalized invitation, a guestlist spot and one free drink for my «GameOver» Single Release Party in January 2020.

  • EUR 30.-9 prises

    «GameOver» MERCH Shirt

    YEEESSS I KNOW, you heard right. I’m super happy that you choose to support me, and that’s why I created a limited «GameOver» Merch line just for you.
    I’m sure, that’s the only shirt you want to wear from now on.

  • EUR 50.-4 prises

    Be part of my musicvideo!

    Have you ever wanted to be a part of something awesome?
    You don’t have to be George Clooney or Marilyn, it’s more than enough if you are yourself and we will find a funny role in my video to challenge your inner shootingstar!

  • EUR 75.-0 prise

    Let's hang together!

    I’m sure all the CHRISTLnators are the coolest, so I want to get to know you. So, for this reward you’ll get a free ticket for an upcoming show (new gig dates will be released in January) AND a signed piece of my limited Merch line. Wether a shirt, a tote bag or just a sticker - you decide!

  • EUR 120.-3 prises


    Yeah, you're right. You are a super human.
    That's why this reward includes a shirt, a sticker, and a tote bag of my limited «GameOver» merch, a personalized invitation to my single release party and a little self-made surprise.

  • EUR 250.-0 prise

    Secret gig in Vienna

    For this reward, we thought of something special. Your donation will get you a ticket for a secret show somewhere in Vienna. That means, we will get you a guestlist spot for a concert, where I'll play my song «GameOver» and some more brand new songs, in a special and secret venue in the best city of them all, Vienna.

  • EUR 650.-3 / 4 prises

    Livingroom - concert

    This one is for all the couch-potatoes out there!
    Who still needs Netflix or a boring movie night?
    I'll play a little acoustic set right in front of your couch for you and your loved ones! Some wine and cool tunes, sounds nice, right?