Wähle aus, ob du das Projekt mit oder ohne Belohnung unterstützen möchtest.
Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.
Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n
CHF 10.-4 vergeben
Your contribution is invaluable! We personally send you the Planetary Peasants newspaper in digital pdf!
CHF 10.-
CHF 20.-0 vergeben
You’ll receive a printed version of the Fanzine on DIY Soil Chromatography by mikroBIOMIK in your chosen language (English/Spanish/Slovene) directly in your mailbox!
CHF 20.-
CHF 30.-1 vergeben
You receive the printed version of the Laboratory Planet #6: Planetary Peasants newspaper (English/French/Spanish) and the new Fanzine on DIY Soil Chromatography by mikroBIOMIK in your chosen language (English/Spanish/Slovene) directly in your mailbox!
CHF 30.-
CHF 50.-3 vergeben
You will be mentioned as a supporter inside the Laboratory Planet #6: Planetary Peasants newspaper and receive 20 copies of in your chosen language (English/French/Spanish) directly in your mailbox!
CHF 50.-
CHF 80.-0 vergeben
Divina Papaya luxury box (tea, chocolate, dried fruits and flower and salt from la chimba )Your contribution will directly support the Soil Assembly #2 - Tinku Uku Pacha!
CHF 80.-
CHF 100.-1 vergeben
You will be mentioned as supporter inside the Laboratory Planet #6: Planetary Peasants newspaper and receive 50 copies of in your chosen language (English/French/Spanish) directly in your mailbox!
CHF 100.-
CHF 150.-1 vergeben
Take part in Soil Assembly #2 TINKU UKU PACHA. Either come yourself if you are in the region or sponsor a person in Ecuador - 3 meals a day and a shared room. In either case you receive a a selection of goodies from La Divina Papaya!
CHF 150.-
CHF 250.-0 vergeben
Either come yourself if you are in the region or sponsor a person in Ecuador to come to the assembly. Food and accommodation for 8, 9 and 10 may 2025 in a luxury cabin or dome and access to all activities. In either case you receive a a selection of goodies from La Divina Papaya!
CHF 250.-
CHF 300.-1 vergeben
Pre-Order 100 versions of Laboratory Planet #6: Planetary Peasants newspaper in Spanish, French or English Language to distribute within your organisation. This is a special deal for institutions and super enthusiasts! You will be mentioned as a Partner in the Spanish version of the Newspaper! (Distribution by November)
CHF 300.-
CHF 1’000.-0 vergeben
Your contribution will directly support the Soil Assembly #2 for a greater cause! Also you will support the printing of the Spanish version of the Laboratory Planet #6: Planetary Peasants newspaper with a special inlay of produce from the TINKU UKU PACHA Soil Assembly #2 Your name will be mentioned and the newspaper shipped to you! (Distribution by November)
CHF 1’000.-