Choose your reward

Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.

Back without reward

Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.

Give away a project backing as a gift

You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • EUR 10.-0 taken

    Der Späti/The Cornershop

    You'll get a set of 3 SMH postcards of your choice, plus an exclusive sticker.

  • EUR 15.-1 taken

    Hansa Studio

    For your donation you'll get a digital download of our CD, including piano music from the piece, special interviews with and stories from the team, plus clips from the street.

  • EUR 15.-1 taken

    Das Postamt/The Post Office

    Get your hands on the whole set of 10 SMH postcards.

    (see slide 19 below)

  • EUR 20.-4 taken

    Der Buchladen/The Bookshop

    Get yourself a PDF of the Making Of Somewhere Maybe Here book, including essays, sketches, poems, photographs, artist profiles and research. A beautiful behind the scenes glimpse of the project from the very beginning until now.
    Available July 2018.

  • EUR 40.-0 taken

    Der Sitz/The Seat

    You get 1 free ticket for a performance of SMH in Autumn/Winter 2018 (dates and venues to be confirmed by August 2018) plus a postcard of your choice.
    You will be responsible for your own travel to/from and accommodation in Berlin.

  • EUR 40.-2 taken

    East Side Gallery

    Get a small digital print of any one of Vincent’s or Nanna’s works, 3 postcards of your choice and a sticker. A visual feast!

    (slides 2,3,4 & 5 below)

  • EUR 40.-0 taken


    An exclusive hard copy or digital download of the CD, the PDF of the Making Of book and 3 postcards of your choice. The ultimate SMH set!

  • EUR 50.-0 / 1 taken

    Das Planetarium

    If the screen print Devorah Livadna made for SMH caught your eye, you’ll love her other work, which sits in the same poetic universe. There’s just one of these: her dreamy screen print «Celestial».
    (two colour screenprint, 35 x 25cm; see slide 18 below)

  • EUR 50.-1 / 35 taken

    Der U-Bahn/The Underground

    Get your hands on the image at the centre of the project: a beautiful, limited edition «Somewhere, Maybe Here» screen print made by Devorah Livadna in Berlin's Stattlab.
    (two colour screenprint, 42 x 59.4cm; see slide 1 below)

  • EUR 55.-1 / 1 taken

    Zoologischer Garten

    Tineke Noppers responded to SMH with a unique series of three portraits: the animals in our city streets, those non-human angels. Here's number 1: her limited edition screen print «Racoon Dog»
    (single colour screenprint, 21 x 29.7cm; see slide 15 below)

  • EUR 60.-0 / 5 taken

    Viktoria Park

    Dutch-American illustrator Nanna Koekoek made us a delightful mixed media piece just for the campaign. You can get yourself an uplifting colour print of her angel, going over the mountains. Teufelsberg be gone, this is Engelsberg!
    (colour print, 21 x 29.7cm; see slide 5 below)

  • EUR 70.-0 taken


    At the heart of this project is French photographer Alix Lucas, always there with a camera of one sort or another up to her eye. Get an inside eye on the project with one of her evocative digital prints just for you (choice of 1 of 5). A striking memento of the project, of the city and of Berlin.
    (black and white or colour print, 29.7 x 42cm; see slides 6,7,8,9 & 10 below)

  • EUR 70.-0 / 1 taken

    Die Strasse/The Street

    Tineke Noppers responded to SMH with a unique series of three portraits: the animals in our city streets, those non-human angels. Here's number 2, a common fellow street dweller: her limited edition screen print «Fox».
    (single colour screenprint, 42 x 29.7cm; see slide 14 below)

  • EUR 70.-1 / 5 taken

    Potsdamer Platz

    Parisian artist Vincent Van Damme has brought his attention to the stark and mysterious architecture around the angel, in a city not quite like any you've seen. You can get a limited edition digital print of 1 of 3 of his stunning drawings.
    (black and white print, 29.7cm x 42cm; see slides 2,3 & 4 below)

  • EUR 85.-0 / 1 taken

    Chaos Theorie

    Tineke Noppers responded to SMH with a unique series of three portraits: the animals in our city streets, those non-human angels. And here's number 3: her striking, limited edition screen print «MOTHER»
    (single colour screenprint, 42 x 29.7cm; see slide 16 below)

  • EUR 95.-0 / 1 taken


    Jördis Hirsch's limited edition monoprint «Starsister» is definitely a relation of the angel. Exploring in her unique way, Jördis brings various mixed media into contact with monoprint. This is a one of a kind piece, only available here.
    (monoprint with mixed media, 50 x 20cm; see slide 13 below)

  • EUR 95.-0 / 1 taken


    Jördis Hirsch, a real Berlinerin, has brought her verve to this limited edition monoprint «Maybe Here», made in response to the project.
    (three colour monoprint, 42 x 29.7cm; see slide 12 below)

  • EUR 100.-2 taken

    Der Rote Teppich/Red Carpet

    You'll get two tickets to the premiere performance in Berlin in Autumn/Winter 2018 (date to be confirmed by August 2018), plus a drink with the creative team at the launch party afterwards. You will be responsible for your own travel to/from and accommodation in Berlin.

  • EUR 150.-0 / 1 taken


    Jordan Cook came to Berlin to get lost in the city, to wander the streets and draw/paint what he came across. And he’s made some extraordinary work in the process. He met the angel and he’s made this limited edition artwork «Kleiner Tiergarten» - available just for us - and for you. Get a taste of the streets of Berlin, in your own home.
    (acrylic and pen on paper, 56 x 76cm; see slide 17 below)

  • EUR 150.-0 taken

    Eden Studios

    Join Cat Gerrard for a 1-day voice exploration workshop in Berlin. Suitable for any level, whether you've stood on a stage or not. Explore that most wonderful part of ourselves: our voice. Find a little more freedom and release - for body, breath and voice.
    You will be responsible for your own travel to/from and accommodation in Berlin.

  • EUR 250.-0 taken


    Be a part of the film! We’ll give you a tip off of where we’ll be filming and you can join us! Stand on the sidelines or step into the street and see what your encounter with the angel might bring! You’ll also get coffee and cake with the team after the day’s shoot's finished plus your name in the credits - our thanks to you - whether you made it into the film or not.

    (This will take place in Berlin between 2nd and 9th April 2018 only so get in there quickly! You are responsible for your travel to/from and accommodation in Berlin.)

  • EUR 250.-0 / 3 taken

    Museuminsel/Museum Island

    The complete triptych of Vincent Van Damme's bold and intricate drawings. You will be drawn completely into the strange city and the alluring but mysterious world of the angel.
    (three prints, black and white, 29.7cm x 42cm each; see slides 2,3 & 4 below)

  • EUR 300.-0 taken


    An evening storytelling performance for you and your friends by Cat Gerrard - and with some of the members of the SMH team in the audience. At a venue in Berlin to be confirmed by Cat. You will be responsible for your own travel to/from and accommodation in Berlin.

  • EUR 500.-0 taken


    The creative team will take you on a guided walk around Berlin, including the geography of the angel and some of the history and stories of the city. Lunch and coffee at our favourite spots is included!

  • EUR 1.000.-0 taken

    Hauptbahnhof/Central Station

    Your choice of up to 3 rewards from above (where available).