Scegliere una ricompensa

Scegli se desideri sostenere il progetto con o senza ricompensa.

Sostenere senza ricompensa

Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.

Regalare il sostegno di un progetto

Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo

  • CHF 28.-2 prese


    Queen Sophia of Gentian will send you a personal postcard, including one of her favourite sayings or a central thought from the piece.

  • CHF 66.-3 prese


    Queen Sophia will share her secret receipe for her favourite muffins with you... plus you will have free entrance at the opening night or at another performance of your choice.

  • CHF 97.-5 prese


    You will be given the occasion to take a selfie together with the ensemble (at a performance). In addition you will receive free entrance at the opening night or at another performance of your choice, including the reservation of an advantageous seat. You will also be sent a special «Spiegelbilder» mug.

  • CHF 150.-2 / 10 prese


    You will be on the receiving end of the private recital of a song from the piece via ’phone call or skype (based on special agreement; ’phone calls will only be conducted with persons in Switzerland).

  • CHF 205.-6 prese


    You will receive, even in advance of the performances, an exclusive score of the song of the weeping willow «We love you anyway», signed by the ensemble, and will have free entrance at the opening night or at another performance of your choice, including the reservation of an advantageous seat. You may also choose between a special «Spiegelbilder» mug or (after all the performances have taken place) a video recording of the piece.

  • CHF 310.-3 prese


    You and a friend may visit an ensemble rehearsal during the week of May 2, 2016, and free entrance at the opening night or at another performance of your choice including the reservation of advantageous seats will be given to you plus one other person. After visiting the performance you will be sent the score of a song of your choice.

  • CHF 500.-3 prese


    You and a friend may visit the dress rehearsal of May 7, 2016, and can chat with the ensemble over coffee and cake; in addition you plus one other person will have free entrance at the opening night or at another performance of your choice, including the reservation of advantageous seats; + a signed foto of the ensemble. If you wish you will be personally mentioned in the program. You can also choose between being sent a score of your favorite song or (after all the performances have taken place) a video recording of the piece.