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Ohne Belohnung unterstützenä

Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.

Unterstützung verschenkenä

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • CHF 25.-0 vergeben

    0,15 m2 of solar panelsä

    You will get a Nicaraguan postcard and a photo of the day of the inauguration (I will be personally present).

  • CHF 50.-30 vergeben

    0,3 m2 of solar panelsä

    Thanks! You will get a copy of the book with my signature. (if you don't want the book because you cannot read in italian, you can have a nicaraguan handcrafted artisanal product, which I will personally buy at the market [please indicate]).

  • CHF 100.-35 vergeben

    0,6 m2 of solar panelsä

    Thanks! You will get a copy of my book, with a special personal adress of the autho, together with a beautiful handcrafted artisanal product of the nicaraguan market of Masaya.

  • CHF 160.-3 vergeben

    1 m2 of solar panelsä

    Thanks! You will get a copy of my book, with a special personal adress of the author and a basket of nicaraguan products (coffee, rum, cocoa).

  • CHF 250.-12 vergeben

    1,5 m2 of solar panelsä

    Thanks! You will get a copy of the book with a special personal adress, nicaraguan bio coffee and a special handcrafted hammock from the nicaraguan market of Masaya.

  • CHF 500.-1 vergeben

    3 m2 of solar panelsä

    Thanks! You wil get the book with a special personal adress and a voucher for a dinner in a beautiful grotto in Valle di Blenio - Ticino - Switzerland for two persons.

  • CHF 1’000.-2 vergeben

    6 m2 of solar panelsä

    Thanks!!! You will get the book with a special personal adress, an (open) invitation for two persons for an apero in the vineyards followed by a dinner with Laura and Gabriele in Val Blenio - Ticino - Switzerland and an hammock from Masay market.