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Unterstützung verschenken

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • EUR 20.-23 vergeben

    Two artistic postcards

    You will receive two postcards with drawings by Marie Bonnin representing the cities of Kyiv and Odessa (from the book De la Baltique à la Mer Noire)

  • EUR 30.-0 / 100 vergeben

    e-book in history

    You will receive the pdf of «Les déportations en héritage : Les peuples réprimés du Caucase et de Crimée hier et aujourd’hui» published by the Presses Universitaires de Rennes.

  • EUR 50.-16 / 200 vergeben

    Ukrainian literature booklet

    You will receive a booklet containing a selection of texts from Ukrainian literature in Ukrainian translated in French and English.

  • EUR 80.-12 / 30 vergeben

    Booklet and illustrated book

    You will receive a booklet containing a selection of texts from Ukrainian literature translated into French and English and the book «De la Baltique à la mer Noire» published by ENS Editions.