Wähle eine Belohnung aus

Wähle aus, ob du das Projekt mit oder ohne Belohnung unterstützen möchtest.

Ohne Belohnung unterstützenä

Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.

Unterstützung verschenkenä

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • EUR 5.-0 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigenä

    Personalized Thank-You-letter

  • EUR 10.-2 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigenä

    PREMIUM User 1 year

  • EUR 25.-4 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigenä

    PREMIUM User 2 years
    + Contributors (published on website)

  • EUR 50.-2 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigenä

    PREMIUM User 2 years
    + Contributors (published on website)
    + limited edition of our founding magazine (project, initiators, development)
    + ability to present, spread and share your own project through us as social media

  • EUR 100.-2 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigenä

    Lifetime PREMIUM User
    + Contributors (published on website)
    + limited edition of our founding magazine (project, initiators, development)
    + ability to present, spread and share your own project through us as social media

  • EUR 250.-0 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigenä

    Lifetime PREMIUM User
    + Contributors (published on website)
    + limited edition of our founding magazine (project, initiators, development)
    + ability to present, spread and share your own project through us as social media
    + personal invitation to our platform-launching party in Vienna

  • EUR 500.-0 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigenä

    Lifetime PREMIUM User
    + Contributors as «Associate Partner» (published on website)
    + limited edition of our founding magazine (project, initiators, development)
    + ability to present, spread and share your own project through us as social media
    + personal invitation to our platform-launching party in Vienna
    + personal invitation to our workshop «alternative economic systems» in Vienna

  • EUR 750.-0 / 3 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigenä

    Lifetime PREMIUM User
    + Contributors as «Associate Partner» (published on website)
    + limited edition of our founding magazine (project, initiators, development)
    + ability to present, spread and share your own project through us as social media
    + personal invitation to our platform-launching party in Vienna
    + personal invitation to our workshop «non-monetary systems» in Vienna
    + accomodation for 2 nights for 2 persons in Vienna including a personal guiding tour with the founders of Swapstar