Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.
Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.
Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau
CHF 1.-4 prises
You get a personal picture that I made in Microsoft Paint. ;-)
CHF 11.-7 prises
You get my album digitally in your inbox.
CHF 22.-23 prises
You get my album via snail mail. With a personal thank you card, of course.If the CD manufacturing doesn’t get funded, we’ll make you a dummy CD and a download card.
CHF 44.-16 prises
You get 3 albums and postcards for a discount price, so you won't have to worry about upcoming birthdays.If the CD manufacturing doesn’t get funded, we’ll make you a dummy CD and three download cards.
CHF 77.-6 prises
I'll record one of my songs on video with my guitar exclusively for you with a personal message and send it to you via email.
CHF 99.-12 prises
We meet up and chat over coffee, tea or some other drink. I’ll tell you my story and maybe you’ll tell me yours?Of course you get an album, too.
CHF 111.-4 prises
We'll make an exclusive video and send you the secret link to it.
CHF 132.-1 / 5 prise
Du erhälst ein Paket von mir. Den Inhalt verrate ich dir nicht. Lass dich überraschen.
CHF 222.-5 / 6 prises
I’ll lend you my extremely talented handyman for a day. Maybe you need help moving into your new home, someone to mow the lawn. He can fix everything. Just name it, he’ll do it.
CHF 333.-2 prises
Sunday service, youth group, house concert, ... I'll come to your event with my songs and stories. We can bring all the technical equipement, if needed.
CHF 444.-2 / 3 prises
My friend Chrigi Gassmann is starting her photography business. She'll make a two hour photo shoot with you at the location of your choice.
CHF 555.-0 prise
Our 1971 mini is at your service for a day. With Andi as a chauffeur. If you need it on a specific date, please ask in advance if it's possible.
CHF 777.-0 / 3 prise
Because you’re digging so deep into your pocket, I’ll dig out a sin of my youth: I've built a fake identity as star in «Schlager» (the German folk music) and written a few songs like «Brücken der Liebe», «Wirrwar der Gefühle» or «Liebe meines Lebens».For you only, I'll hire a producer through fiverr and make one of these hits come to life.
CHF 1’111.-2 prises
You are just incredible! Make your own suggestion for a reward!