Scegliere una ricompensa

Scegli se desideri sostenere il progetto con o senza ricompensa.

Sostenere senza ricompensa

Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.

Regalare il sostegno di un progetto

Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo

  • CHF 25.-23 prese

    «Tamed Gods» signed

    You will receive the signed chapter 1 of the comic series «Tamed Gods».
    32 pages, 26.6x19cm. (Free shipping)

  • CHF 48.-2 prese

    6 pieces postcard set

    You will get six of my most beautiful illustrations as beautiful postcards. (See updates)

  • CHF 48.-1 presa

    Sechteiliges Postkarten Set,

    Du erhältst sechs meiner schönsten Illustrationen als wunderschönes Postkarten Set. Siehe «Updates».

  • CHF 50.-32 prese

    Comic stamped, numbered

    You will receive Chapter 1 of «Tamed Gods» numbered, signed and decorated with a pretty airplane stamp. A real collector's item! (Free shipping)

  • CHF 51.-1 / 3 presa

    Poster Airacobra und Ford T

    Du erhältst einen 40x30cm grosses Druck meiner Illustration P-41 Airacobra und Ford-T Roadster. Es scheint ein kleiner Flirt vor dem Hintergrund Pazifischer Palmen und vorbeirumpelnden Jeeps zu sein.

  • CHF 52.-1 / 3 presa

    Poster Alfa Romeo

    Du erhältst einen 40x30cm Druck auf Hochglanz Papier. Mit einem Alfa Romeo 8C 1933 und einem Fiat G-50 in der Toskana, nummeriert und unterschrieben.
    Viva l'Italia!

  • CHF 80.-10 / 25 prese

    Comic with poster PC-7

    You will receive your signed, stamped and numbered comic along with the Swiss Air Force squadron PC-7 poster, drawn and signed by me. (Free shipping)

  • CHF 120.-10 / 10 prese

    «The desert falcon» antholog

    You will receive the new anthology, which includes all five albums of the adventure, dated, stamped and signed.
    Language: German

  • CHF 240.-6 / 6 prese

    Comic with original drawing

    You will get your signed stamped and numbered copy of the comic with an original drawing on a separate sheet.

  • CHF 240.-6 / 6 prese

    Comic with drawing

    You will receive your «Tamed Gods» comic together with an original drawing on a separate piece of paper drawn in sepia tones.
    A WWII fighter plane of course! :-) (Free shipping)

  • CHF 260.-1 / 1 presa

    Drawing&postcards «Savoia»

    Hayao Miyazaky is the Walt Disney of Japan. For his cult film «Porco Rosso» he created a «Savoia» seaplane.
    The Japanese model building artist Shin Tanaka built a beautiful model of it and sent me the photograph. I drew it, now it's yours, along with a 9-piece deck of cards. (Free shipping)

  • CHF 480.-4 / 4 prese

    Pencildrawing of page 1

    Another absolute collector's item! Page 1 of «Tamed Gods» as a detailed pencil drawing in its original size. It is the template for the very first page of this new series. (Shipping CHF 30.-)

  • CHF 720.-1 presa

    Die Falknerin (Acryl auf Leinwand)

    Du erhältst das allererste Acrylgemälde meiner Kunstmaler Phase. Mir gefallen noch immer die angenehmen, zarten Wüstenfarben und das Panoramaformat von 85x40cm. Als Original ist es natürlich auf 1 Exemplar beschränkt. 👍