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  • CHF 20.-4 prese

    Package Acupressureä

    We thank you very much! As a thank you, we will send you TCM research news, so that you are informed about the latest findings in TCM research in Switzerland.

  • CHF 50.-10 prese

    Package Acupunctureä

    We thank you very much! As a thank you, we will send you TCM research news, so that you are informed about the latest findings in TCM research in Switzerland.

  • CHF 150.-7 prese

    Package Cuppingä

    Thanks to your support, you will receive in addition to the regular updates on TCM research, a discount for attending our annual TCM Research Conference in Bad Zurzach.

  • CHF 350.-0 prese

    Package Qi-Gongä

    Thanks to your great support, you will receive regular research news and a discount on participation in the TCM Research Conference; as well as in-depth insights and a tour of the SWISS TCM UNI.

  • CHF 1’000.-1 presa

    Package Moxibustionä

    Your support is limitless! We would like to show you around the SWISS TCM UNI and introduce you to the team! You are also guaranteed a free participation in the annual TCM Research Congress in Bad Zurzach!