Wähle eine Belohnung aus

Wähle aus, ob du das Projekt mit oder ohne Belohnung unterstützen möchtest.

Ohne Belohnung unterstützen

Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.

Unterstützung verschenken

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • CHF 10.-3 vergeben

    Your name

    - Your name will be mentioned in the credits of the movie.

  • CHF 25.-2 vergeben

    A poster of the movie

    - You will receive the poster of the movie - Your name will be mentioned in the credits of the movie.

  • CHF 50.-7 vergeben

    Custom video

    - You receive a personalized video message to show our appreciation - Your name will be mentioned in the credits of the movie.

  • CHF 100.-4 vergeben

    Digital Streaming

    - You will get access to watch the film online, at the same time as the team, before it goes to the festivals - Your name will be mentioned in the credits of the movie.

  • CHF 150.-2 vergeben

    Attend the shooting

    - You receive an invitation to attend the shooting of the film - Your name will be mentioned in the credits of the movie.

  • CHF 300.-1 vergeben

    Private screening

    - You will be invited to a private screening of the film in Geneva with the actors and the film crew. - Your name will be mentioned in the credits of the movie.

  • CHF 500.-2 vergeben

    Become a producer

    - Be on of the producers, and get a credit in the movie - Your name will be mentioned in the credits of the movie.