Scegliere una ricompensa

Scegli se desideri sostenere il progetto con o senza ricompensa.

Sostenere senza ricompensaä

Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.

Regalare il sostegno di un progettoä

Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo

  • EUR 9.-1 presa

    A Little Loveä

    «Der erste Kuss» You will receive an innocent kiss on the cheek by an Erlking of your choice.

  • EUR 19.-4 prese

    Pre-Release Download ä

    «Eine sehr gewöhnliche Geschichte» You will be among the first to hear the new album with an exclusive pre-release download.

  • EUR 29.-57 prese

    Signed Albumä

    «Das Leben ist ein Traum» You will receive a personally autographed copy of the new album, mailed to your home address. You will also receive the pre-release download.

  • EUR 59.-34 prese

    The Erlkings Tea/Coffee Mugä

    «Trost unglückliche Liebe» You will receive a brand new Erlkings Coffee/Tea mug to drink from! You will also receive the pre-release download and a signed copy of the new album.

  • EUR 149.-2 prese

    All in Lieder Packageä

    «Gegenliebe» You will receive an Erlkings tote bag will all 6 Erlkings CDs inside! That includes a signed copy of the new one.

  • EUR 199.-1 presa

    Tuba, Cello or Drums? ä

    «O fließ, ja wallend fließ in Zähren» Need a tuba, cello, or drums for a musical job of your choice? Surprise a friend or wake up a neighbour with this special reward! You will also receive the pre-release download and a signed copy of the new album.

  • EUR 199.-3 prese

    Private Serenade ä

    «She never told her love» Bryan will perform a private serenade in your name to a person of your choice. Declare your love with style! You will also receive the pre-release download and a signed copy of the new album.

  • EUR 399.-0 prese

    Donau Picnic and Boat Rideä

    «Sailor's Song» Enjoy a lovely afternoon on the Donau with The Erlkings as we show you our skills on the water, followed by a light picnic. None of us can sail though so we are talking paddle boat adventure at best. You will also receive the pre-release download and a signed copy of the new album.

  • EUR 499.-1 presa

    Haydn Seek ä

    «Die Landlust» You and a friend will be whisked away to somewhere beautiful in the countryside near Vienna where The Erlkings will take you for a special lunch followed by an olympic level game of Haydn Seek. You will also receive the pre-release download and a signed copy of the new album.

  • EUR 1.499.-0 prese

    House Concertä

    «Ein kleines Haus» The Erlkings will perform a 45-60 minute house concert at a location of your choice! You will also receive the pre-release download and a signed copy of the new album.

  • EUR 9.999.-0 prese

    Check Please!ä

    «Lob der Faulheit» Save us the trouble of all this pesky crowdfunding by picking up the bill for the whole album production. No one has ever done this. You will be the first...