Choose your reward

Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.

Back without rewardä

Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.

Give away a project backing as a giftä

You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • EUR 15.-100 / 100 taken

    Membership ä

    As soon as our website is online, you are one of the first 100 citizens of the European Republic, where you will be named if you wish.

  • EUR 20.-20 / 20 taken

    Signed bookä

    You will receive 1 book signed by Ulrike Guérot «Why Europe needs to become a republic»

  • EUR 30.-19 taken

    Autographed book Milo Rauä

    You will receive the book «The Kongo Tribunal», signed by Milo Rau. The book is about «the most ambitious political theater project that ever came on stage.» (The Guardian)

  • EUR 50.-28 / 100 taken

    Artistic interventionä

    You can proclaim the European Republic together with the artists in one of Europe's participating cities

  • EUR 100.-53 taken


    You will receive a copy of the Manifesto for the European Republic signed by Ulrike Guérot and Robert Menasse

  • EUR 1.000.-2 / 10 taken

    Meet&Greet Ulrike Guérotä

    You have the unique opportunity to speak personally with Ulrike Guérot about the European Republic. It's often easier to talk to over a cup of coffee or a glass of wine :-)

  • EUR 2.500.-1 taken

    Dinner with Robert Menasseä

    A great opportunity to chat with Robert Menasse. At a good dinner you can talk about his bestseller «The Capital», for example.