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  • EUR 8.-9 taken


    A surprise will be given to you at the opening of «Tutti», my interactive sound installation, the loudspeaker orchestra, exhibited at «L’Aubette 1928» in Strasbourg on December 5th, 6pm. For those of you who can’t make it, I will send you by e-mail a signed personalized picture of the opening.

  • EUR 27.-4 taken


    A unique ceramic fragment of the glazed hand-crafted loudspeaker of the «Fool’s Ballad» will be sent to you by post. + I invite you to a collective visit of my exhibit «Tutti» in Strasbourg at «L’Aubette 1928» on Saturday 9th of January 2016 at 3pm. If the date would not fit your plans, I propose you to join me at the Finissage of the exhibit, open to all, on Friday January 15th, at 6pm.

  • EUR 50.-1 taken


    A personal exclusive visit of TUTTI with me in Strasbourg, L’Aubette 1928.
    + a drink in town in one of my favorite places!

  • EUR 81.-5 taken


    Invitation for two for an exclusive personalized visit with me of «Tutti» exhibit in Strasbourg, on the day of your choice during the opening hours of «L’Aubette 1928» or via an online virtual visit if you live far away! + In 2016, you will receive by post the printed edition of my artist catalogue signed by myself and a fragment of the ceramic glazed speaker.

  • EUR 150.-0 taken


    Invitation for two for an exclusive visit of TUTTI with me in Strasbourg + total visit of L’Aubette 1928 including a tour of the exhibit of the 3 other artists + a drink in town in one of my favorite places.

  • EUR 162.-0 / 6 taken


    Dinner in my art studio, far from the hustle and bustle of the Strasbourg Christmas Market! + In 2016 you will receive by post the printed edition of my artist catalogue signed by myself and a fragment of the famous glazed ceramic speaker.

  • EUR 243.-1 taken


    You will be invited to the exhibition preview of the «Fool’s Ballad» in Basel in 2016. The printed edition of my artist catalogue and the fragment of the ceramic speaker will both be signed by my hand and sent to you directly at your home. For those of you who will not be able to make it, I propose an exclusive skype call during the first tests of the installation.

  • EUR 399.-0 taken


    You will be the first to see my sound installation «The Fool’s Ballad» functioning before the first preview! You will be invited to the Exhibit Preview in Basel in 2016. I invite you also to an exclusive and personalized visit of «Tutti» in Strasbourg (or to a virtual visit online anytime if you cannot make it!) on the day of your choice during the opening hours of «L’Aubette 1928» followed by an apéritif in town. You will receive in 2016 a personalized fragment of my glazed ceramic speaker and a signed edition of my artist catalogue.