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Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.

Give away a project backing as a gift

You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • CHF 10.-0 taken


    Thank you very much for your support!
    You’ll get an exclusive, signed thank-you card from us.

  • CHF 30.-1 taken


    Thank you very very much for your support!
    You and your plus one are part of the guest list, therefore you’ll get two free entrances for the performance on 09/12/2014

  • CHF 50.-1 taken


    A very warm thanks to you!
    You and your plus one are part of the guest list and additionally you’ll get two free drinks of your choice on 09/12/2014 (soft drinks/beer or hard ones).

  • CHF 100.-3 taken


    Wow! Thanks a lot for your support!
    You and your plus one are part of the guest list and additionally you’ll get a signed CD of the live recording of the performance with a personal dedication on it.

  • CHF 200.-3 / 3 taken


    Double Wow!! Really thanks a lot for your support!!
    Apart from your name plus one on the guest list and the signed CD with the dedication on it you and your plus one will be exclusively part of the preparations, the soundcheck and the dinner before the performance.

  • CHF 500.-0 / 3 taken


    Unbelievable!!! Really thanks a lot for your unbelievable support!!!
    You’re part of the guest list plus five and you and your guests are allowed to sit down in a lounge specially booked for you. You’ll be able to enjoy the performance sitting there. Additionally the club is going to offer a free bottle of your choice, worth up to CHF 300.

  • CHF 1’000.-0 / 1 taken


    Double unbelievable!!!!! A thousand thanks for your unbelievable support!!!!!
    Apart from your name plus one on the guest list and the signed CD with the dedication on it you will be an exclusive part of the performance by speaking the intro of the first song! You’re going to be part of one rehearsal and of the preparations as well.

  • CHF 2’000.-1 / 2 taken


    Endless unbelievable!!!!!!!!!! Thanks endlessly for your unbelievable support!!!!!!!!!!
    Apart from your name plus one on the guest list and the signed CD with the dedication on it you can book the performance for your location or your event once for free. (Interested? Contact for the demo tapes of all songs.)