Scegliere una ricompensa

Scegli se desideri sostenere il progetto con o senza ricompensa.

Sostenere senza ricompensaä

Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.

Regalare il sostegno di un progettoä

Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo

  • EUR 14.-0 prese


    You will receive a ticket in any of our exhibition special events!
    Plus you will enjoy a glas of our great selection of red or white wine to celebrate with us!

  • EUR 25.-1 presa


    You will receive the complete catalogue of our exhibition series plus a CD of Yury Revich of your selection! All personally signed for you!
    Click here to see them.

  • EUR 45.-0 prese


    You will receive two VIP tickets for any of our exhibition series enjoying the best of our events with a glas of champagne! Also you will get a limited selection of A3 prints of the artworks (High quality paper, not framed)!
    All signed by the artists especially for you!

  • EUR 55.-1 presa


    You will get a personalised special gift from the curator Mia Papaefthimiou!

  • EUR 80.-0 prese


    You will receive a collage of all the artwork (50x70cm, high quality, framed) of our exhibition series including all the CDs of all the Friday Nights events!

  • EUR 150.-0 prese


    You will get a special photoshooting by our talented photographer Maximilian Brunner! Alone or maybe with someone from our team / artists? Your choice!
    (location to be arranged in communication with Maximilian)

  • EUR 280.-0 prese


    You will receive an artwork of your selection from our exhibition series! Signed by the artist especially for you! (In cooperation with the Galerie Patrick Ebensperger)

  • EUR 500.-0 prese


    You are our Silver Sponsor!
    You will have access to all our events enjoying drinks and food celebrating with us! Enjoy an exciting backstage experience with photos, talks, drinks and many more with the artists and our team! Special credits would be given to your name!

  • EUR 1.500.-0 prese


    You are our Gold Sponsor!
    You will have the opportunity to spend the whole day with the curator enjoying a full guided tour around the cultural places in Vienna!
    Special credits would be given to your name!

  • EUR 3.000.-0 prese


    You are our Platinum Sponsor!
    Support us to go really big! Be our partner for our next exhibition series in London!
    For more information on our future plans and your involvement, you are warmly invited to a special dinner with the curator and our team in one of the best restaurants in the city!
    Believe in us, support us, join us!