Wähle eine Belohnung aus

Wähle aus, ob du das Projekt mit oder ohne Belohnung unterstützen möchtest.

Ohne Belohnung unterstützenä

Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.

Unterstützung verschenkenä

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • CHF 20.-1 vergeben

    «Thank you» postcard ä

    Personally addressed postcard from our Film Association and a huge THANK YOU!

  • CHF 30.-1 vergeben

    Link to our filmä

    Besides a personally addressed postcard from our Association, you will receive a link to the online version of our film.
    Thank you for your contribution!

  • CHF 45.-2 vergeben

    Link for 3 filmsä

    Besides a personally addressed postcard from our Association, you will receive a link to 3 of our films.
    Thank you for your contribution!

  • CHF 100.-0 vergeben

    T-shirt with Logoä

    Besides a Vimeo-link of our 3 films, you will receive a stylish T-shirt with the Logo of our Association.
    Thank you for your contribution!

  • CHF 145.-0 vergeben

    A set of hand-made soapsä

    Besides a Vimeo-link of our 3 films + a stylish T-shirt with our Association logo, you will receive a gift set of natural hand-made soaps.
    Thank you for your contribution!

  • CHF 200.-1 vergeben

    DJ Fabiann's soundtracksä

    Besides a stylish T-shirt with our Association logo + a gift set of natural hand-made soaps, you will receive DJ Fabiann's soundtracks (a member of the Cinematica Association).
    Thank you for your contribution!

  • CHF 300.-0 vergeben

    Film premiere screeningä

    Besides a stylish T-shirt with our Association logo + a gift set of natural hand-made soaps + a DJ Fabiann's soundtracks (a member of Cinematica Association), we will personally invite you to our film premiere screening in Zürich.
    Thank you very much for your contribution!

  • CHF 500.-0 vergeben

    Mentioning as a Sponsorä

    Besides a special gift set of natural hand-made soap + a DJ Fabiann's soundtracks (a member of Cinematica Association) + a personal invitation to our film premiere screening in Zürich (valid for 2 persons), your name or your company name will be mentioned in credits as a Sponsor at the end of the film.
    Thank you very much for your contribution!

  • CHF 1’000.-0 vergeben

    Invitation to film festivalä

    Besides a DJ Fabiann's soundtracks (a member of the Cinematica Association) + a personal invitation to one of our movie premiere screening in Zürich (valid for 4 persons) + your name or your company name will be mentioned in credits as a Sponsor at the end of the film and in case of our selection to the film festival, you will be warmly invited.
    Thank you very much for your contribution!!!

  • CHF 2’000.-0 vergeben

    Invite you (+1) for Aperoä

    Besides an invitation to one of our movie premiere screening in Zürich (valid for 4 persons)+ your name or your company name will be mentioned in credits as a Sponsor at the end of the film + in case of our selection to the film festival, you will be warmly invited (valid for 2 person). Important: our IFA Cinematica team are inviting you (+1 person) for an APERO in Zürich.
    We THANK YOU a lot for your contribution!!!