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Unterstützung verschenkenä

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • EUR 30.-0 vergeben

    Thank You Postcardä

    Receive a custom-designed, personally signed postcard from our staff in Amsterdam thanking you for joining our campaign by doing #theBiteThing.

  • EUR 45.-0 vergeben

    Snakebite Warrior Shout-outä

    Give us your social media handle and we will repost your photo for the the thousands of people in our network to see. What a great way to spread the word about snakebite envenoming while displaying your tasty bite!

  • EUR 70.-3 vergeben

    Your Kenyan Namesake Snake!ä

    How cool would it be to know that there is a snake in Watamu, Kenya, named after you or a loved one? This is only made better by the knowledge that your snake helped to make a precious vial of antivenom. Donate now and get a donor experience like no other, including a certificate and a photo of the very snake you've named!

  • EUR 100.-0 / 5 vergeben

    Q&A Session with a SB Expertä

    All of this new information about snakebite may have left your head buzzing with questions. Don’t worry; with this donation comes a chance to have an exclusive thirty minute virtual Q & A with one of our very own snakebite experts! This offer is capped with a five participants maximum to ensure it doesn't get crowded. Don’t miss this opportunity... donate now!