Choose your reward

Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.

Back without rewardä

Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.

Give away a project backing as a giftä

You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • EUR 1.-0 taken

    Citizen of Ibyadarä

    Thank-you shout-out on my website (link to you homepage, facebook-profile, blog ...)

  • EUR 6.-0 taken

    Adept of the White Tower ä

    The above plus a digital copy of the book (mobi, epub), English or German edition (your choice)

  • EUR 10.-2 taken

    Adept of the Blue Tower ä

    The above and a thank-you shout-out on the acknowledgments page (ebook and print)
    You also receive a tie-in short story (in digital format) exclusive for backers (for six months) in German or English (your choice)

  • EUR 30.-1 taken

    Master of the Blue Tower ä

    All of the above and a paperback copy of the book in English or German (your choice)
    You also receive a tie-in short story (in digital format) exclusive for backers (for six months) in German or English (your choice)

  • EUR 50.-2 / 46 taken

    Master of the Golden Tower ä

    All of the above and an A4 (210 x 297 mm) print of the map drawn by Marina Nowak (special design, not part of the books) printed on antique-looking stationery (old scroll) – great for bookstagram images!
    You also receive a tie-in short story (in digital format) exclusive for backers (for six months) in German or English (your choice)

  • EUR 75.-0 / 60 taken

    Master of Mirrors ä

    All of the above, the chronicles of Ibyadar printed on old scroll stationary and a mouse pad featuring the ’’Crystal of Pain’’ held by Caitlynn, drawn by cover artist Katharina Brand

  • EUR 85.-1 / 30 taken

    Master of Crystalsä

    All of the above except the map will be an A3 print on brown vintage paper. Great printing quality, lots of details. You will love it.
    You will also get a digital copy of volume two in German (if you like)

  • EUR 250.-1 / 30 taken

    Master of the Black Towerä

    The shoutout, the special short story, a small Berlin Bag with the same picture as the mousepad. Three paperback copies and three digital copies of the book, German or English edition (your choice), and three A4 maps (of Ibyadar) as well as three prints of the chronicles. In addition, you'll get a chance to chat with the author on Skype (July+August 2019).

    If you live in or close to Vorarlberg (Austria) you may also meet the author in Eschen (Liechtenstein) or Feldkirch (Ausria)for coffee and cake and a nice chat.
    At the book fair in Leipzig (Buchmesse Leipzig) 2019 or 2020 there will be an opportunity for a meet and greet. If you are interested, contact the author for further information.

    As a special treat, you can choose the name of a character for the special short story/ the third and fourth volume from a list of 40 names and his/her looks.