Scegliere una ricompensa

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Sostenere senza ricompensa

Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.

Regalare il sostegno di un progetto

Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo

  • CHF 25.-8 prese

    Membership at The Exhale

    Receive tier 2 («The Exhalee») membership at The Exhale for one month and gain special access to two exclusive members events.

  • CHF 40.-1 presa

    Signed CD and Membership

    Receive a signed CD of West Side Story plus tier 2 («The Exhalee») membership at The Exhale for one month with special access to two exclusive members events.

  • CHF 50.-3 prese

    Happy Birthday Video

    Receive a personalised happy birthday video made specially for you by one of our faculty members.

  • CHF 100.-1 presa

    Learn a Recipe

    Learn a recipe in a one-on-one online baking session with Skye Worster plus receive a 15% discount at Skye's Boxes Online Bakery *discount only applies to people living in Zürich, Switzerland

  • CHF 175.-0 / 1 prese

    Private Cello Lesson

    Have a 30-minute one-on-one online cello lesson with cellist Dale Culliford.

  • CHF 175.-0 / 2 prese

    Learn a Scottish Tune

    Enjoy a 30-minute one-on-one online session with Scottish violinist Donald Grant and learn a tune.

  • CHF 200.-3 prese

    Feldenkrais Class

    Attend an online group Feldenkrais class with dancer, choreographer and Feldenkrais practitioner Paul Pui Wo Lee.

  • CHF 250.-1 presa

    Private Violin Tuition

    Have a private 60-minute lesson with renowned violinist Gwendolyn Masin online or in person. *In-person lessons may only take place in Bern, Switzerland.

  • CHF 400.-0 prese

    Special Violin Performance

    Receive a video made specially for you by violinist Peter Sheppard Skærved plus a private zoom session. Peter will perform music from Biagio Marini and Jacobo Bassano on a 1620s Amati violin and a Brecia violin from ca. 1570. He will provide an introduction to the instruments, the pieces, and his performance.

  • CHF 3’500.-1 presa

    Private House Concert

    Enjoy a private 1-hour house concert in Switzerland by renowned violinist Gwendolyn Masin (and possibly other artists). *house concert may only take place within 200km of Bern

  • CHF 3’500.-0 / 1 prese

    Private House Concert

    Enjoy a private 1-hour house concert in the UK by violinist Joanne Green (and/or other musicians depending on location). *house concert may only take place within a 1-hour drive from London, Manchester or Bristol.