Sélectionnez une contrepartie

Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.

Soutenir sans contrepartie

Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.

Faire cadeau de ma contribution

Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau

  • EUR 9.-12 prises


    You will receive a download of the single, Misty Reflections by Nikolet Burzyńska. As a bonus, you will get a postcard with artwork related to Transoceanic, by Josh Graham

  • EUR 25.-52 prises


    I will sign it one copy of the CD and ship it to you at no extra cost. As a bonus, you will also get a postcard with artwork related to Transoceanic, by Josh Graham

  • EUR 50.-14 prises


    So you can share Transoceanic with someone you care about, I will sign two copies of the record, and gift-wrap one of them, so you can keep one for yourself and give the second one to someone you care about.

  • EUR 80.-3 / 15 prises


    I will send you a print of the first page of Nikolet Burzyńska’s Misty Reflections, signed by the composer and myself. Of course, this will also include one autographed copy of Transoceanic

  • EUR 99.-1 / 15 prise

    Vocal coaching

    If you are a singer, I will give you a one hour coaching session to help you work on any material you need to prepare. You will of course receive a signed copy of the CD

  • EUR 99.-6 / 15 prises


    I will give you a piano lesson! Naturally, an autographed copy of Transoceanic is included.
    If you cannot come to me, we always have Skype ;)

  • EUR 120.-3 / 15 prises


    I will take you out for a drink, so we can talk about music, art, or whatever you wish.
    Since I am a big whiskey lover, we can go whiskey tasting to Rupp’s in Vienna or Pijalnia in Warsaw. If you prefer something else, I have some other options up my sleeve. You will also receive an autographed copy of Transoceanic and an autographed poster.

    This is only possible in Vienna and its surrounding areas, and Warsaw.

  • EUR 150.-7 / 10 prises


    If you have a favorite piece of music, I will record it for you.
    Some limitations might apply.
    You will also receive the download of the single, an autographed copy of the CD, a postcard and an autographed poster with artwork related to Transoceanic, by Josh Graham

  • EUR 300.-2 prises


    Your name will be written in the booklet of Transoceanic and you will receive three signed copies of the album, so you can share it with someone you care about.
    You will also receive an autographed poster with artwork by Josh Graham

  • EUR 500.-1 / 10 prise


    You and a companion of your choice will receive an invitation to an exclusive performance for some of my campaign backers.
    Your name will be included in the booklet and you will received 5 signed copies of the CD.
    This performance will take place in Vienna, Austria.

  • EUR 1.800.-1 / 2 prise


    I will play a concert for you and your friends at a venue of your choice.
    Your name will be included in the booklet and I will bring 10 autographed copies of the CD.
    (Travel expenses are not included. A piano in good condition must be in place for the performance)