Scegliere una ricompensa

Scegli se desideri sostenere il progetto con o senza ricompensa.

Sostenere senza ricompensaä

Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.

Regalare il sostegno di un progettoä

Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo

  • CHF 10.-10 / 10 prese

    Organic Pea-Misoä

    You will receive our mini pea miso. A small sample for you - you can use it to season your salad dressing or marinate delicious vegetables.

  • CHF 25.-52 / 70 prese

    Organic Misoä

    We will send you a jar of our organic miso (200gr.). With Miso you can flavor your dishes and create delicious dipping sauces.

  • CHF 50.-57 / 80 prese

    Organic Shoyu from Switzerlaä

    You get our CH-Shoyu in organic quality. Shoyu is the counterpart to the classic soy sauce. We make the Shoyu from pure Swiss products.

  • CHF 100.-33 / 40 prese

    Gift box DasPureä

    You will receive our gift box with our delicacies: Dry sausage, a smoked fish and a miso.

  • CHF 150.-23 / 25 prese

    Delicatessen subscriptionä

    You will receive either a dry sausage subscription or a miso subscription. During 6 months we will send you monthly one of our products.

  • CHF 200.-9 / 50 prese

    Guided tastingä

    We invite you and a companion to our guided smoked fish & miso tasting. Afterwards we will show you our new vegetable kitchen in Wetzikon.

  • CHF 300.-20 / 20 prese

    Delicatessen subscription 12ä

    You will receive either a dry sausage subscription or a miso subscription. During 12 months we will send you one of our products every month.

  • CHF 500.-7 / 10 prese

    Workshop fermentationä

    We invite you to our workshop Lactic Acid Fermentation. You will learn what fermentation is, where it comes from and how it is still used today.

  • CHF 1’500.-4 / 10 prese

    Barbecue with Patrickä

    You get a cozy barbecue evening. Patrick grills vegan, vegetarian and sausage specialties for you and your people (max. 10 people).

  • CHF 2’000.-0 / 5 prese

    Sausage course (8-10 people)ä

    Come with your friends to an individual sausage course. Patrick will explain you the sausage craft and you can make your own sausage. The workshop lasts about 4 hours and is for 8 - 10 people.

  • CHF 3’000.-0 / 2 prese


    Wir begrüssen dich und deine ArbeitskollegInnen bei uns in Wetzikon. Gemeinsam erstellt ihr frische Bratwürste und werdet diese im Anschluss direkt geniessen. Zudem servieren wir euch eine Vorspeisenplatte mit unseren Spezialitäten und zum Schluss gibt es noch etwas Süsses. Durchführung nach Absprache.

  • CHF 5’000.-1 / 3 presa

    Barbecue event up to 30 paxä

    We cook for your family / company party. You can expect delicacies from the grill like tempeh and sausages, fermented vegetables and delicious desserts.

  • CHF 8’000.-0 / 3 prese

    A barrel of CH Shoyuä

    You will receive a 100 liter barrel with the best CH Shoyu. Delivery from autumn 2023 incl. small aperitif and guided tour.