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Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.

Unterstützung verschenken

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • CHF 25.-7 vergeben

    Ant patronage

    Do you know the secret of this incredibly effective insect? Cooperation! Your patronage helps make the «WC project» a reality. Thanks to you, 83 stickers can be printed. In return, you will be mentionned as an «ant» patron in the presentation of the project on the website www.victimepasseule.ch.

  • CHF 50.-15 vergeben

    Butterfly patronage

    Your patronage helps the «WC project» emerge from its cocoon and take flight. Thanks to you, 167 stickers can be printed. In return, you will be mentionned as a «butterfly» patron in the presentation of the project on the website www.victimepasseule.ch.

  • CHF 100.-7 vergeben

    Hare patronage

    Thanks to your patronage, the «WC project» is making a leap forward! Thanks to you, 333 stickers can be printed. In return, you will be mentionned as a «hare» patron in the presentation of the project on the website www.victimepasseule.ch.

  • CHF 200.-2 vergeben

    Giraffe patronage

    Wow, with your patronage, the «WC project» gets high! Thanks to you, 667 stickers can be printed. In return, you will be mentionned as a «giraffe» patron in the presentation of the project on the website www.victimepasseule.ch.

  • CHF 500.-0 vergeben

    Mammoth patronage

    What a major patronage, you bring weight to the «WC project»! Thanks to you, 1667 stickers can be printed. In return, you will be mentionned as a «mammoth» patron in the presentation of the project on the website www.victimepasseule.ch.

  • CHF 1’000.-0 vergeben

    Unicorn patronage

    It’s just fabulous, your patronage is legendary! Thanks to you, 3333 stickers can be printed. In return, you will be mentionned as a «unicorn» patron in the presentation of the project on the website www.victimepasseule.ch.