Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.
Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.
You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift
CHF 30.-4 taken
You will receive a copy of the Italian edition ’Il giorno in cui gli uomini dissero No’ by post when the book is published at the beginning of February 2021.
CHF 30.-2 taken
You will receive a copy of the French edition ’Le jour où les hommes ont dit non’ by post when the book is published at the beginning of February 2021.
CHF 30.-43 taken
You will receive a copy of the original English edition of Voting Day by post when the book is published at the beginning of February 2021.
CHF 30.-23 taken
You will receive a copy of the German edition ’Der Tag, an dem die Männer Nein sagten’ by post when the book is published at the beginning of February 2021.
CHF 50.-0 taken
You will receive a signed copy of the Italian edition ’Il giorno in cui gli uomini dissero No’ by post when the book is published at the beginning of February 2021.
CHF 50.-4 taken
You will receive a signed copy of the French edition ’Le jour où les hommes ont dit non’ by post when the book is published at the beginning of February 2021.
CHF 50.-13 taken
You will receive a signed copy of the German edition ’Der Tag, an dem die Männer Nein sagten’ by post when the book is published at the beginning of February 2021.
CHF 50.-17 taken
You will receive a signed copy of the original English edition of Voting Day by post when the book is published at the beginning of February 2021.
CHF 100.-1 / 10 taken
When the crowdfunding closes I will get in touch with you by email so that you can let me know what you'd like in your personal dedication. And then, when the book is published in February 2021 you will receive a copy of the book by post in your chosen language with a handwritten dedication.
CHF 100.-0 / 10 taken
CHF 100.-3 / 10 taken
CHF 100.-6 / 10 taken
CHF 140.-0 taken
When the book is published in early February, you will receive a signed copy of each of the four language versions - English, German, French and Italian - sent to your home address.
CHF 200.-3 / 10 taken
As a thank you, we will print your name in each copy of the novel published in February 2021. You will always be connected to Voting Day.
CHF 300.-3 / 5 taken
Be part of the celebration in February 2021 when Voting Day is launched. I look forward to welcoming you! (If the launch has to take place online due to Covid-19 restrictions, you will receive an invitation to a post-launch party at a later date).
CHF 500.-2 / 3 taken
As soon as the situation allows, I will come to your home and give a reading of Voting Day for your invited guests. Your own literary salon!