Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.
Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.
Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau
CHF 15.-32 prises
You'll get a few fun stickers from super friendly society as a thankyou!
CHF 25.-5 prises
You'll get a hand-written love letter as a thankyou from us!
CHF 50.-31 prises
You'll get to pre-order the first edition of our magazine, which will be delivered to your home.
CHF 75.-9 prises
You'll get to pre-order the first edition of our magazine, which will be delivered to your home with a bunch of stickers from super friendly society.
CHF 100.-9 prises
You'll get to pre-order the first edition of our magazine, which will be delivered to your home with a t-shirt from super friendly society.
CHF 120.-0 prise
You'll receive a suprise poster from the collection of super friendly society (size:A3) and a magazine from our first edition aswell!
CHF 250.-0 prise
You're invited to a pizza party with the super friendly society and can hopefully have a fun time!
CHF 300.-0 prise
You can visit a beginner skate course from members of the super friendly society and challenge yourself!
CHF 500.-0 prise
You'll get a personal photoshoot on your skis, snow- or skateboard from the members of super friendly society.