Wähle eine Belohnung aus

Wähle aus, ob du das Projekt mit oder ohne Belohnung unterstützen möchtest.

Ohne Belohnung unterstützen

Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.

Unterstützung verschenken

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • CHF 5.-0 vergeben

    Online shop discount voucher

    10% discount

    We offer to you a voucher to purchase on our web shop. You will be an early adopter, having the chance to be promoter and or consumer.

  • CHF 10.-0 vergeben

    Online shop discount voucher

    15% discount

    We offer to you a voucher to purchase on our web shop. You will be an early adopter, having the chance to be promoter and or consumer.

  • CHF 15.-0 vergeben

    Online shop discount voucher

    20% discount

    We offer to you a voucher to purchase on our web shop. You will be an early adopter, having the chance to be promoter and or consumer.

  • CHF 20.-0 vergeben

    Online shop discount voucher

    25% discount

    We offer to you a voucher to purchase on our web shop. You will be an early adopter, having the chance to be promoter and or consumer.

  • CHF 50.-0 vergeben

    Online shop cash voucher

    25.- chf cash voucher plus 10% discount

    We offer to you a voucher to purchase on our web shop. You will be an early adopter, having the chance to be promoter and or consumer.

  • CHF 100.-0 vergeben

    Online shop cash voucher

    50.- chf cash voucher plus 15% discount

    We offer to you a voucher to purchase on our web shop. You will be an early adopter, having the chance to be promoter and or

  • CHF 200.-0 vergeben

    Online shop cash voucher

    100.- chf cash voucher plus 20% discount

    We offer to you a voucher to purchase on our web shop. You will be an early adopter, having the chance to be promoter and or

  • CHF 300.-0 vergeben

    Online shop cash voucher

    150.- chf cash voucher plus 30% discount

    We offer to you a voucher to purchase on our web shop. You will be an early adopter, having the chance to be promoter and or

  • CHF 500.-0 vergeben

    Online shop cash voucher

    250.- chf cash voucher plus 20% discount forever (Silver member)

    We offer to you a voucher to purchase on our web shop. You will be an early adopter, having the chance to be promoter and or

  • CHF 1’000.-0 vergeben

    Online shop cash voucher

    600.- chf cash voucher plus 30% discount forever (Gold member)

    We offer to you a voucher to purchase on our web shop. You will be an early adopter, having the chance to be promoter and or