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Unterstützung verschenken

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • CHF 15.-4 vergeben

    5 greeting cards

    - 5 greeting cards
    - A6 format
    - 4 pages
    - Recycled paper 300 gr

  • CHF 15.-5 vergeben

    1 art print

    - 1 art print of your choice
    - A4 landscape format
    - Recycled paper 300 gr

  • CHF 20.-1 vergeben

    The Second book

    - The book «The Secret Gardens of Tero»
    - English version
    - Format 28x28cm

  • CHF 20.-7 vergeben

    The first book

    - The book «The Wonderful Story of Drizzle»
    - English version
    - Format 28x28cm

  • CHF 30.-0 vergeben

    Storytelling afternoon

    Place and date to be confirmed (in the forest in Charmey or at « la maison de la rivière » in Morges) of your choice. Duration approximately 2h30. From 4 years old.

    Both stories will be told in a beautiful place accompanied by a snack for your children.

    Depending on the health situation, the activity will be reserved only for the children.

    30.- CHF per child

  • CHF 35.-91 vergeben

    The two books

    - The book «The Wonderful Story of Drizzle»
    - The book «The Secret Gardens of Tero»
    - English version
    - Format 28x28cm

  • CHF 40.-4 vergeben

    Book 2 + educational booklet

    - The book «The Secret Gardens of Tero»
    - 1 educational booklet
    - Format 28x28cm
    - English version

  • CHF 40.-2 vergeben

    Book 1 + educational booklet

    - The book «The Wonderful Story of Drizzle»
    - 1 educational booklet
    - Format 28x28cm
    - English version

  • CHF 50.-2 vergeben

    The kamishibai 2

    - The kamishibai «The Secret Gardens of Tero»
    - English version
    - A3 format

  • CHF 50.-2 vergeben

    The kamishibai 1

    - The kamishibai «The Wonderful Story of Drizzle»
    - English version
    - A3 format

  • CHF 60.-3 vergeben

    1 portrait of your child

    1 portrait of your child drawn by the illustrator from a photo in the same illustration style as Tero. (you receive the HD digital file + the portrait drawing printed on recycled paper)

  • CHF 80.-1 vergeben

    Tero full pack

    - The book of «The Secret Gardens of Tero»
    - Format 28x28cm
    - The educational booklet
    - The Kamishibai
    - English version

  • CHF 80.-0 vergeben

    Drizzle full pack

    - The book of «The Wonderful Story of Drizzle»
    - Format 28x28cm
    - The educational booklet
    - The Kamishibai
    - English version

  • CHF 90.-0 vergeben

    The Will Bee Butaï

    A Butaï is a wooden easel that serves as a support for a style of storytelling from Japan called Kamishibai

    - 1 wooden Butai (Japanese theater)
    - A3 format

  • CHF 90.-2 vergeben

    The two Kamishibai

    - The kamishibai «The Wonderful Story of Drizzle»
    - The kamishibai «The Secret Gardens of Tero»
    - English version
    - A3 format

  • CHF 100.-11 vergeben

    Drizzle full steam ahead!

    - The book «The Wonderful Story of Drizzle»
    - The book «The Secret Gardens of Tero»
    - Format 28x28cm
    - The two educational booklets
    - English version
    - 2 posters
    - 5 greeting cards

  • CHF 120.-4 vergeben

    1 portrait de votre famille

    1 portrait de votre famille d’après une photo, dans le paysage de l’histoire de Tero, dessiné par l’illustrateur. (vous recevez le fichier numérique HD + le dessin du portrait imprimé sur papier recyclé)

  • CHF 140.-2 vergeben

    Donate books

    We will donate 7 copies of Bruin or Tero to families in need. Through an association such as the «Association of Families of the Fourth World» in Lausanne or others.

  • CHF 150.-10 vergeben

    Drizzle and Tero full pack

    - The book of «The Wonderful Story of Drizzle»
    - The book of «The Secret Gardens of Tero»
    - Format 28x28cm
    - The two educational booklets
    - The two Kamishibai
    - English version
    - Your name or company name on our website

  • CHF 180.-1 vergeben

    2 Kamishibai + 1 wooden Butaï

    - The kamishibai «The Wonderful Story of Drizzle»
    - The kamishibai «The Secret Gardens of Tero»
    - 1 wooden Butai (Japanese theater)
    - English version
    - A3 format

  • CHF 300.-1 vergeben

    Tero merchant of sand !

    - Two books of «The Wonderful Story of Drizzle»
    - Two books of «The Secret Gardens of Tero»
    - Format 28x28cm
    - 2x the two educational booklets
    - English version
    - 5 posters
    - 5 greeting cards
    - Your name or company name on our website

  • CHF 600.-0 vergeben

    Drizzle ! Let it snow !

    - Two books of «The Wonderful Story of Drizzle»
    - Two books of «The Secret Gardens of Tero»
    - Format 28x28cm
    - 2x the two educational booklets
    - English version
    - 5 posters
    - 5 greeting cards
    - Your name or company name on our website

  • CHF 1’000.-0 vergeben

    Singing in the rain !

    - A private storytelling evening at your home
    - Two books of «The Wonderful Story of Drizzle»
    - Two books of «The Secret Gardens of Tero»
    - Format 28x28cm
    - 2x the two educational booklets
    - English version
    - 5 posters
    - 5 greeting cards
    - Your name or company name on our website

  • CHF 1’500.-0 vergeben

    Tero solid as a rock !

    - A private storytelling evening at your home
    - A personal illustration made by the illustrator
    - Two books of «The Wonderful Story of Drizzle»
    - Two books of «The Secret Gardens of Tero»
    - Format 28x28cm
    - 2x the two educational booklets
    - English version
    - 5 posters
    - 5 greeting cards
    - Your name or company name on our website
    - Your name or company name in our next book

  • CHF 3’000.-0 vergeben

    High up in the mountains !

    - A private storytelling evening at your home
    - A personal illustration made by the illustrator
    - 4x the book «The Wonderful Story of Drizzle»
    - 4x the book «The Secret Gardens of Tero»
    - Format 28x28cm
    - 4x the two educational booklets
    - English version
    - 5 posters
    - 10 greeting cards
    - Your name or company name on our website
    - Your name or company name on our next book
    - For companies: your logo on our site and in our next book