Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.
Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.
You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift
CHF 10.-0 taken
You receive regular information on Xcor’s projects via e-mail.
CHF 25.-2 taken
You receive 1 Ticket to the concert on the 27th or the 28th august in Chur in the Postremise. When you come on the 27th august you can also come to the vocal workshop at 19.00 in the Postremise.
CHF 25.-1 taken
You receive a signed postcard from Venezuela.
CHF 50.-6 taken
You receive 2 Tickets to the concert on the 27th or the 28th august in Chur in the Postremise. When you come on the 27th august you can also come to the vocal workshop at 19.00 in the Postremise.
CHF 75.-0 taken
You receive a signed postcard from Venezuela and a CD as MP3 download.
CHF 100.-5 taken
You receive 3 Tickets to the concert on the 27th or the 28th august in Chur in the Postremise plus 1 signed CD’s plus aperitif! When you come on the 27th august you can also come to the vocal workshop at 19.00 in the Postremise.
CHF 200.-1 taken
You receive 5 Tickets to the concert on the 27th or the 28th august in Chur in the Postremise plus 2 signed CD’s plus aperitif! When you come on the 27th august you can also come to the vocal workshop at 19.00 in the Postremise.
CHF 300.-0 taken
Your name will be ’packed into’ a song and you will receive this song sung and interpreted by Xcor. You receive this recording until october 2015!
CHF 500.-0 taken
You send us your idea – to be set to music – for the name of your company, or car, your girlfriend, etc. (when its possible please in english or espagnol) and you will receive this song sung and interpreted by the vocal group, Xcor, as an audio recording until october 2015!
CHF 750.-0 taken
You send us your short biography and you will receive (by October 2015) your biography, set to music and interpreted by Xcor (in the form of a short film).
CHF 1’000.-0 taken
Invitation to a dinner together on the 30th of August in Chur. Please invite 2 friends to come along. You receive three signed CD’s and a verry special evening with XCOR!