Wähle eine Belohnung aus

Wähle aus, ob du das Projekt mit oder ohne Belohnung unterstützen möchtest.

Ohne Belohnung unterstützenä

Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.

Unterstützung verschenkenä

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • CHF 25.-5 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigenä

    Your initials = 4 cm.
    Each backer will then receive the piece of fabric with his initials on it, that flew with The Sisters XY during the jump!
    The piece of textile you will receive is an exclusive artwork from Sisters XY made especially for you.
    Each one will be signed and numbered and will then be part of an art-edition as a photographic reproduction.
    Be part of the flight!

  • CHF 50.-3 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigenä

    Your initials = 8 cm
    Each backer will then receive the piece of fabric with his initials on it, that flew with The Sisters XY during the jump!
    The piece of textile you will receive is an exclusive artwork from Sisters XY made especially for you.
    Each one will be signed and numbered and will then be part of an art-edition as a photographic reproduction.
    Be part of the flight!

  • CHF 100.-6 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigenä

    Your initials = 12 cm
    Each backer will then receive the piece of fabric with his initials on it, that flew with The Sisters XY during the jump!
    The piece of textile you will receive is an exclusive artwork from Sisters XY made especially for you.
    Each one will be signed and numbered and will then be part of an art-edition as a photographic reproduction.
    Be part of the flight!

  • CHF 150.-0 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigenä

    Your initials = 16 cm
    Each backer will then receive the piece of fabric with his initials on it, that flew with The Sisters XY during the jump!
    The piece of textile you will receive is an exclusive artwork from Sisters XY made especially for you.
    Each one will be signed and numbered and will then be part of an art-edition as a photographic reproduction.
    Be part of the flight!

  • CHF 200.-0 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigenä

    Your initials = 18 cm
    Each backer will then receive the piece of fabric with his initials on it, that flew with The Sisters XY during the jump!
    The piece of textile you will receive is an exclusive artwork from Sisters XY made especially for you.
    Each one will be signed and numbered and will then be part of an art-edition as a photographic reproduction.
    Be part of the flight!

  • CHF 250.-1 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigenä

    Your initials = 22 cm
    Each backer will then receive the piece of fabric with his initials on it, that flew with The Sisters XY during the jump!
    The piece of textile you will receive is an exclusive artwork from Sisters XY made especially for you.
    Each one will be signed and numbered and will then be part of an art-edition as a photographic reproduction.
    Be part of the flight!