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Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.

Unterstützung verschenkenä

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • CHF 25.-6 vergeben

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    Your name in La Placette’s shop window during the catalog’s release.

  • CHF 50.-33 vergeben

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    Your name in La Placette’s shop window during the catalog’s release, and your own copy of the book to take home from the vernissage.

  • CHF 100.-9 vergeben

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    Your name in the «Thank You» section of the book and in La Placette’s shop window during the catalog’s release, and your own copy of the book to take home from the vernissage.

  • CHF 150.-5 / 50 vergeben

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    A collector poster (sample print) to take home from the vernissage, your name in the «Thank You» section of the book and in La Placette’s shop window during the catalog’s release, and your own copy of the book.

  • CHF 200.-2 / 10 vergeben

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    A copy of the book and bottle opener « Bout de Bois » edited by ACE and designed by Adrien Rovero to take home from the vernissage, your name in the «Thank You» section of the book and in La Placette’s shop window during the catalog’s release, and your own copy of the book.

  • CHF 500.-0 / 6 vergeben

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    A Nicolas Delaroche’s photography from the serie « sind dem unmöglichen keine grenzen gesetzt? », your name in the «Thank You» section of the book and in La Placette’s shop window during the catalog’s release, and your own copy of the book.

  • CHF 900.-0 / 1 vergeben

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    A Croisillons (25kg, 110 x 160 cm, 2013) light designed by Adrien Rovero and Béatrice Durandard, your name in the «Thank You» section of the book and in La Placette’s shop window during the catalog’s release, and, of course, your own copy of the book to take home with you.

  • CHF 2’500.-0 / 1 vergeben

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    Vincent Kohler’s original work « CanCan », your name in the «Thank You» section of the book and in La Placette’s shop window during the catalog’s release, and, of course, your own copy of the book to take home with you