Sélectionnez une contrepartie

Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.

Soutenir sans contrepartie

Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.

Faire cadeau de ma contribution

Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau

  • EUR 30.-4 prises

    Pre-released digital album

    You will receive a digital album one month before the official release date. Discover the beauty of our «Amanti»-CD before everybody else!

  • EUR 60.-4 prises

    1 signed CD

    You will receive a hand-signed CD with a personal thank you-note from our lead soloist, Bettina Simon.

  • EUR 90.-0 prise

    2 signed CDs

    You will receive 2 hand-signed CDs with a personal thank you-note from our lead soloist, Bettina Simon.

  • EUR 120.-2 prises

    2 signed CDs with a surprise

    You will receive 2 hand-signed CDs with a personal thank you-note and a special surprise video featuring our lead soloist, Bettina Simon.

  • EUR 180.-3 prises

    2 CDs with 2 concert tickets

    You will receive 2 hand-signed CDs with a personal thank you-note from our lead soloist, Bettina Simon.
    Furthermore, you will be presented with 2 concert tickets to the CD release concert in Vienna, Austria.

  • EUR 300.-1 prise

    «AMANTI» fan package S

    You will receive 2 hand-signed CDs with a personal thank you-note and a special surprise video featuring our lead soloist, Bettina Simon.
    Furthermore, you will be presented with 2 concert tickets to the CD release concert in Vienna, Austria with special greeting and a personal meet-and-greet after the event.

  • EUR 500.-0 prise

    «AMANTI» fan package M

    You will receive 5 hand-signed CDs with a personal thank you-note and a special surprise video featuring our lead soloist, Bettina Simon.
    Furthermore, you will be presented with 5 concert tickets to the CD release concert in Vienna, Austria with special greeting and a personal meet-and-greet after the event.

  • EUR 1.000.-0 prise

    «AMANTI» fan package XL

    You will receive 10 hand-signed CDs with a personal thank you-note and a special surprise video featuring our lead soloist, Bettina Simon.
    Furthermore, you will be presented with 10 concert tickets to the CD release concert in Vienna, Austria with special greeting and a personal meet-and-greet after the event.
    In addition, we will thank you for your support by name in the CD booklet!