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Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.

Faire cadeau de ma contribution

Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau

  • EUR 20.-3 prises


    For all gardeners: You will get tomato seed from the armenian region Karabach in a small bag for your garden. Armenian tomatoes, especially from this region, are unmatched and unique! I have tested it!
    Johann Döller, project initiator

  • EUR 25.-0 / 50 prise

    «Der Kinoleinwandgeher»

    The movie «Josef Winkler – Der Kinoleinwandgeher» (cinema screen walker) is not directly about Armenia. But if you are interested in Austrian arts in an international context, you will be highly entertained and get a DVD of this award-winning movie of Focusfilm GmbH – as a gratification for supporting our project. See further information at kinoleinwandgeher.at

  • EUR 40.-3 prises

    USB with movie

    You’ll get the movie ARMENIAN SPIRIT on a USB-stick, packed in a small and appealing wooden box (in February 2020 at the earliest). By accepting the USB-stick you’ll commit yourself to use it for your private means and not for commercial purposes, not to produce any copies and not to circulate it on internet.

  • EUR 50.-1 prise

    CD «Prayer Wheel»

    You’ll get the CD «Prayer Wheel» which will contain a mass liturgy music composed by Karen Asatrian, which had its world premiere during the Salzburg festival of 2016 – to commemorate the centenary of the genocide. A particular highlight is Rita Movsesian, an Armenian vocalist. As an extra benefit you’ll get the first CD of «Armenian Spirit» titled «Arahet».

  • EUR 50.-2 prises

    CD «Noor» and «Derwish»

    You’ll get that CD of Karen Asatrian and his multi-ethnic band ARMENIAN SPIRIT, known for stirring up melancholic Armenian folklore by new means and tunes.

  • EUR 100.-4 prises

    CD box (4 CDs)

    You will get a CD-box with all four CDs produced by the band «Armenian Spirit», titled «Arahet», «Derwisch», «Prayer Wheel» and «Noor».

  • EUR 130.-0 prise

    Discount by an optician

    Should your sponsorship exceed € 130 you will receive a 10% discount, if you buy eyeglasses at Hartmann optician (Singerstrasse 8, 1010 Vienna), plus a free biometric visual correction (see hartmann-wien.at/angebot/).

  • EUR 200.-2 prises

    Your name in closing credits

    Your name (and your company’s logo) will be included into the closing credits of all recording media (e.g. USB-sticks). Should the movie be presented in TV-channels (e.g. as promised by 3-SAT), such closing credits will not be shown.

  • EUR 7.000.-0 / 3 prise

    Your private concert

    For a donation of that amount you’ll be entitled to order an evening concert of the complete ensemble (seven musicians) of «Armenian Spirits» (see configuration at asatrian.net/armenian-spirit/). It does not include transport, accommodation and meals not the expenses for the audio technician. It will be restricted to concerts in Austria, Switzerland and Southern Germany and will be valid in 2020 only.