Sélectionnez une contrepartie

Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.

Soutenir sans contrepartie

Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.

Faire cadeau de ma contribution

Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau

  • CHF 5.-19 prises

    A Ticket (Es Löösli)

    At the end of the crowdfunding, we will raffle a gourmet basket with in-house specialties worth Fr. 150.

  • CHF 7.-4 prises

    Coffee and croissant

    Enjoy a coffee or a hot drink of your choice with a croissant at Benelas.

  • CHF 10.-27 prises

    A smile for others

    Pay into the fund that allows us to give a coffee to the financially less fortunate.

  • CHF 12.-8 prises

    croissant or cake

    Enjoy a coffee or a hot drink of your choice with a croissant or a piece of cake.

  • CHF 20.-25 prises


    With this contribution, your name will be visible as a patron on a plaquette at Benela's.

  • CHF 45.-8 prises

    Value voucher 50

    Consume at Benela's for 50.- at your choice.

  • CHF 90.-16 prises

    Voucher 100

    Consume at Benela's for 100.- at your choice.

  • CHF 100.-4 prises

    Basic Lettering Workshop

    Take part in a Basic Lettering Workshop at Benela’s worth Fr. 75.- from Ale’s Lettering and live your creativity. Thank you for your generosity.

  • CHF 100.-1 prise

    One month coffee

    Enjoy one coffee at Benela's every day during open hours for a month.

  • CHF 100.-5 prises

    Benela's Coffee Mug

    Receive a Fellow Slide Mug with our logo worth Fr. 60.-, filled with your choice of coffee. Thank you for your generosity.

  • CHF 120.-0 prise

    Happy Cake

    Request a whole cake to your liking and to order!

  • CHF 140.-12 prises

    Wine and misto

    Enjoy a bottle of wine (two wines to choose from) with a Misto plate at Benela's, including a coffee afterward (For two to four people)

  • CHF 250.-0 prise

    Trend Setting

    Do you have your own coffee creation? With this contribution, we offer your creation for one month at Benela's with your chosen name.

  • CHF 275.-3 prises

    Coffee subscription bronze

    50 coffees plus one Benela's Coffee Mug

  • CHF 500.-1 prise

    Coffee subscription silver

    100 coffees, a Benela’s Mug, and your name on the community founders’ sign.

  • CHF 1’000.-0 prise

    Coffee subscription gold

    220 coffees, a Benela’s Mug, and your name on your own founders’ sign

  • CHF 1’100.-0 prise

    One year coffee

    Enjoy one coffee at Benela's every day during open hours for a year.